Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thank you Joe! (not)

"Anyhow, enjoy your drive to grandma's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Bring extra money in case you need to fill your tank. One of the things I will be thankful for this year, is November of 2022 just over 11 months away."

Did you hear the good news yesterday? At long last, a glimmer of hope. Just in time for Thanksgiving! What? What? What is it? Our President, who really has his finger on the pulse of our energy woes, has authorized the release of 50 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But what is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve anyhow? For that information, we need to get into our way back machine, and travel into the past. 

Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established in the early 1970's, after the OPEC oil embargo. It is located in Louisiana and Texas, and contained about 600 million barrels of oil. It was to be used only in times of emergency. Hint: This is not an emergency. That is, unless you consider Biden's slumping poll numbers to be an emergency. Even though some dribs and drabs have been tapped from this reserve in the past, this 50 million barrels is the largest since we established the reserve. 

Two things. First, 50 million barrels is a mere "drop in the bucket". It might have made a few cents difference for a few days. Or not. Second, as soon as we announced the release, OPEC raised the price of their oil. Sneaky like buggers, aren't they? But here we are again, just like in the days of Jimmy Carter. We have gone from being the masters of our own destiny, to on our knees, begging OPEC. Well played Joe Biden! And you had the gall to stand up in front of the press corps and LIE again. Telling us it is NOT your clean energy crapola which is causing our gas prices to surge. Do you really think we are that stoopid? 

The frosting on the cake, was when our Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, was asked how many barrels of oil we use a day. No clue. Nada. It was like asking a chef how much flour is used in a recipe, and then the chef asking you what flour is. I mean, come on man! I mean Jennifer! We don't expect you to know everything about energy in this country, but that question was about as basic as it gets.

Here is the irony. Even though most, if not all of us know this, I am going to repeat it again anyhow. Under Donald Trump, we were energy independent. We had so much energy, we became a net exporter of energy. Then for reasons known to only a few, Joe Biden gets into office and kills our Golden Goose. Why? Is it because he is an idiot? Or is he a Manchurian Candidate? Or what is he? A normal President would have NEVER done this to us. NEVER!!!

Anyhow, enjoy your drive to grandma's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Bring extra money in case you need to fill your tank. One of the things I will be thankful for this year, is November of 2022 just over 11 months away. We just need to hang on for dear life until election day cometh.     

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