Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Ye old race card, played once again...

"The race card. Played too often, and with no merit, this card becomes only a joker. Remember that Biden - on your way out the door."

You have to hand it to this new Administration. They have been able to tie race into just about every issue. Why? To keep us divided. For if we unite against the tyranny of this authoritarian, statist, regime - they will be finished. The only problem with playing, over-playing, and then playing again the race card - before long, that dog don't hunt.

The other day, our very strange Transportation Secretary (Mayor Pete), was having a presser on infrastructure. Somehow, when the subject of roads came up, Mayor Pete managed to equate the location of some of our roads - with race. Huh? Like, how? Unknown. I tried to listen to the logic chain, but got lost in the weeds. I mean, this was further than a bridge too far. This was beyond a stretch. But in the eyes of the Biden minions, I guess it made perfectly good sense.

By the way, Joe Manchin has been told by the socialist mob who have been harassing him, that if votes against the Build, Back Better pile of goo, he is a racist a sexist, anti-woman, anti-immigrant, and a few other things. I guess of all these things, mostly a racist. Poor Joe Manchin. All he is asking for is how much this bill will really cost, and how it will be funded. So far, all he has been given is common core math on how the artificial number was obtained. The Wharton School of Business has already called BS on that number, and said it is twice as high as promoted. 

The race card played by race hustlers. Blah, blah, blah. The Republicans continue to look at race the same way MLK did. Just the content of the character, thank you. But to the Democrats, race, and playing the race card, is their anthem. Without the race card, they have no programs. No standing. No talking points. But what if there is no racism? Then make something up, silly! 

I will be so glad when November of 2022 rolls around. With Biden's approval ratings in the 30's and Harris' approval in the 20's, all the Republicans need do is stay out of the way. The damage that Biden and his gang are doing to themselves, is beyond measure. We just need to keep things held together with spit and gum until the off-year election in 2022. Or - if Manchin and/or Sinema flips parties before then, that would really, really help.

The race card. Played too often, and with no merit, this card becomes only a joker. Remember that Biden - on your way out the door.


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