Saturday, November 13, 2021

The "New" White Supremist - Huh?

"As a footnote, Kyle Rittenhouse's mother was on the news. I have never seen a woman, a mother, look so sad and scared. However, there was also a tinge of anger in her also. Anger towards the man in the high castle who called her son a White Supremist." 

Leave it to Slo Joe. If he is not throwing gas on a fire, he is coming up with something stoopid. But this time he really stepped in it. And it could land him in lawsuit land. He referred to Kyle Rittenhouse as a "White Supremist". For those who missed the memo, "White Supremist" is the new buzz word. It has just about replaced racist, as the most used and abused word in our lexicon. But never mind. If the Commander-in-Chief calls you a "White Supremist", it must be true. Even if it is not.

Wait - what did Kyle do? Did he grab a gun and mow down a bunch of black folks? Nope. Not even close. He went into Wisconsin with the sole intent of backing up the cops. Not to loot, burn, and shoot innocent people. Just to help the cops maintain the peace.

He did end up killing two young men in self defense. WHITE MEN, Brandon! And the two who were killed were no choirboys. Not saying they deserved to die, but there is a lot more to this story than the mainstream media is portraying.

Is Kyle Rittenhouse a stone cold killer? Not hardly. Does he regret killing those two men? I am sure he wishes it never happened. But the circumstances dictated what happened that night. Like I said, the two were killed were no choirboys. They could have also prevented this tragedy. 

Who did I see on the stand? A scared kid. A regretful kid. A kid who knew his life was in danger, and needed to do something. Why was he crying? Besides being scared, he knew he had taken human life. That is something very, very few people are okay with. But he did end the life of two people, and that is what this trial is all about. It is NOT about being a "White Supremist"! If you can't say something positive or constructive Brandon, just sit down and shut up!

If I were Kyle's father, I would have counseled him not to go into Wisconsin with any kind of weapon. Even if his intentions were to have the "sixes" of the cops in the riot zone, it was not a good idea. I could convict him of having poor judgement. As for murder of these two young men he shot, it will be interesting to see how the jury reacts. The prosecution just about threw this entire trial into a mistrial, and the judge blistered the prosecution more than once. No matter how it turns out, some folks are not going to be happy.

As a footnote, Kyle Rittenhouse's mother was on the news. I have never seen a woman, a mother, look so sad and scared. However, there was also a tinge of anger in her also. Anger towards the man in the High Castle who called her son a "White Supremist". Shame on you Joe Biden. I know it is hard for you to show shame, but you should. You owe this family an apology and so much more.


1 comment:

  1. The contemptuous word is "supremacist (with an a)." Of course spelling it right won't make it any truer.
