Thursday, April 21, 2022

And then there was "Satan"

"The world will need to look in the mirror and answer a question - freedom or tyranny? We know what our answer is. What NATO's answer is. What our Pacific allies answer will be. How about you India? What is your answer? Your future depends on you giving the right answer."  

Leave it up to a bloodthirsty, Godless, dictator like Putin, to name his new ICBM, "Satan". In fact, he gave the world a demo yesterday, showing a video how this new instrument of death looks as it is launched. Putin wanted to give the "enemies of Russia" a show yesterday, just to let them know that he has the "unstoppable" MIRV ICBM. Big whoop Vladimir - we have some of those also.

Just so I get this straight Mr. Putin. Do you want the world to sit back and watch you butcher men, women and children in Ukraine without lifting a finger? Do you think you have the United States and NATO that cowed and afraid that we would do that? Well, think again Vlad. We are shipping lethal weapons as fast as a slow Biden Administration can ship them. Soon, your troops will be on the receiving end of some of our 155mm artillery. Not a good place to be.

You should feel lucky Putin, that we have Biden as our President. If I were President, Ukraine would have had the MIGs they wanted, weeks ago. If Trump was still President, the sky would have been the limit. But Joe Biden is slow and timid. And even with that, lethal weaponry is arriving in Ukraine. I hope Biden sends another 1,000 or so, of those "Switchblade" drones to Ukraine.

When this is all said and done, Russia will be no more. The people of Russia will demand a new government, as they don't want to be considered a rogue nation. Putin and his henchmen will be tried and convicted. It should also be the end of the United Nations. I guess we needed a massacre such as the one in Ukraine, to show the world how worthless and feckless this expensive organization is. Putin and the UN can go in the ash heap of history. Time for our world to start acting civilized. 

Will China behave themselves until the Ukraine was is settled? Or will they make a play for Taiwan just to muck things up further. Time will tell. The world will need to look in the mirror and answer a question - freedom or tyranny? We know what our answer is. What NATO's answer is. What our Pacific allies answer will be. How about you India? What is your answer? Your future depends on you giving the right answer.  

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