Thursday, April 7, 2022

What a town with(out) pity can't do...

"What is the lesson I have learned from this invasion? If you have nukes, and can threaten people with using them, congratulations - you are now a global bully. The world is scared to death of Putin right now." 

Meanwhile, as we go on with our day to day lives, something beyond horrible is happening in our world right now. And it is happening, and could be stopped immediately. But it won't be. I am talking about the city of Mariupol in the Ukraine. This once busy town of almost a half a million citizens, has now turned into a death camp. The 100,000 or so who still are trying to survive there, are given a stark choice. Either stay, and probably starve to death, or surrender to the occupiers and be shipped to some kind of Russian concentration camp.

The Mayor of Mariupol has been very blunt and direct. With 5,000 of its citizens already murdered by the occupiers, and some of those being children, the Mayor has called Mariupol, "the new Auschwitz". What the Russians are doing to this town right now, is Exhibit "A" to what a war crime looks like. It is soon to be an Exhibit "A" to what genocide looks like. 

Even after President Zelenskyy poured out his heart and soul to the United Nations (as well as addressing other counties one on one), the world continues to sit back and watch the slow death of Mariupol. Will Mariupol become the new Bucha? Where the butchery of the citizens was so horrible, news crews could not even show them without blurring them out? Where bodies were left strewn in the street. Many bodies in mass graves. One had the Nazi symbol carved into him. 

Here is where I sit right now. Any country, who does not condemn Russia for this invasion of a sovereign country - is dead to me. Silence is guilt. If every nation condemned this naked aggression the same way the United States did, but having words backed up with sanctions on Russia, and help to Ukraine, this war would be over tomorrow. But so long as other countries keep buying Russian oil, keep silent with any outrage, trading with Russia with ANYTHING - they are part of the problem. 

Some day, we will have to explain this to our grandchildren. How this happened. How we let it go on. How innocents were raped, shot, tortured, starved, enslaved, and so forth. Do we need to scrap the United Nations the same way we scrapped the League of Nations after we found out it was feckless? That has my vote.

What is the lesson I have learned from this invasion? If you have nukes, and can threaten people with using them, congratulations - you are now a global bully. The world is scared to death of Putin right now. So much so, we can have examples like Bucha and Mariupol, and we do nothing to stop it.

Everyday when I turn on the news, it is the same stuff, different day. Most of the world goes on with its business. Millions are getting ready for Easter. And yet, in Ukraine, the suffering continues. The death continues. It is a town that deserves more than pity. It deserves so much more...  

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