Monday, April 4, 2022

Genocide in Ukraine; Entropy in America

"I have always been a proud American. I really have. But living in Biden's America has given me pause. We are just a shell of what we once were. Once fearless, now fearful."

Have to give the Russians credit for one thing. When they set out to "out Nazi", Nazi atrocities in World War II, few believed they could do it. But - they have proved the historians wrong. They are just as blood thirsty, just as ruthless, just as cold as the Nazis were, on their worst days. And again, the civilized world has been left sitting in the spectator's section, just watching. Meanwhile, what happened when the Russians withdrew from the outer suburbs of Kyiv, defies description. It was butchery.

If nothing changes, we will see this scene over and over and over again in Ukraine. There is only one country right now which can stop this, and that would be China. The United States can't, as our President is scared stiff of Putin. The Allies can't, unless the United States joins them. Meanwhile, we are seeing carnage in Ukraine, actually genocide, that the civilized world thought had been relegated to the ash heap of history. I guess we still have some primitive carnage in our DNA. 

Meanwhile, back in the homeland, we have a different problem. Entropy. Or, as some call it, our current POTUS having the reverse Midas touch. There have been legions of experts on media as of late, explaining how easy it would be to get part of our inflation under control. How to get our gas prices down. How to have more energy security. But this empty suit, who somehow got into the White House to undo everything good that Donald Trump did - refuses to budge. He would rather kiss up to dictators, so we can buy their dirty oil, than use our much cleaner oil from Texas. So the Union suffers, while Biden goes up to Delaware and naps.

Title 42 is going away next month. EVERYBODY is forecasting total mayhem (yes, even worse than it is right now), on the southern border. And why would Biden do such a bone headed, anti-American thing such as this? Besides undoing what Trump had working on the southern border, Biden is owned by the socialists. So much so, by the time his four year terms is up, we could have tens of millions of illegals, along with record amounts of deadly drugs in our country. Who is happy about this mess? The socialist and the cartels. As the Union suffers, Biden goes to Delaware to nap.

Back to the genocide in Ukraine. President Zelenskyy is pleading - begging - for America to be the America it once was. One pundit was on the news this weekend, and was asked about America's response to the cries for help from Ukraine. His response - not enough, and what they do get has to go through the Biden sausage machine in slow motion. The "leading from behind" lessons Biden learned from Obama, still seem to work well. Meanwhile, children are being executed, women are being raped, and innocent civilians are getting tortured. But, as long as Biden can have his naps, life is good for him.

I have always been a proud American. I really have. But living in Biden's America has given me pause. We are just a shell of what we once were. Once fearless, now fearful. A President steeped in corruption, bathed in entropy, and surrounded by idiots. I am sorry Ukraine. This is the America you are depending on for help. You deserve so much better.  

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