Thursday, April 28, 2022

On the hotseat (again)...

"Biden's plans for why he is letting over a million of new illegals into this country are beyond transparent. And Biden does not even care. Get the illegals in, and then give them amnesty so they can vote blue. We have been onto that scheme for quite a while now."

Yesterday, my favorite bald headed Cuban was on the hotseat in the House. He was giving testimony about how swimmingly his handling of the border is. Anything which is bad right now, is Donald Trump's fault from the previous administration.

It was a bloodbath. My favorite part was when Mayorkas was told over and over again that next winter, when the Republicans are running the House, they will impeach him. Not a maybe, but absolutely. Could not happen to a nicer guy.

I have heard on the news that deep down, Mayorkas is very hurt and dissatisfied with the border. But to be a good soldier for Biden, he cannot show it. When he went down to the border to address the Border Patrol, and many turned their backs on him, it cut deeply. As it should have. The Biden border policies, which he is carrying out, have not made their jobs harder down there - it has made their jobs impossible.

In any event, from a career standpoint, Mayorkas is a dead man walking. Will he have a chance to catch his breath after the grilling and drilling he took yesterday? Not really. Today he will be in front of the Senate. The Republicans (and some Democrats) are not fans of Mayorkas either. Will the Senate back up impeachment with a Senate trial? Probably.

Biden's plans for why he is letting over a million of new illegals into this country are beyond transparent. And Biden does not even care. Get the illegals in, and then give them amnesty so they can vote blue. We have been onto that scheme for quite a while now. But the fentanyl which is coming over the border. It is killing hundreds of our youth. For that issue alone, both Biden and Mayorkas should be tried for murder. Period.

Fifty years from now (if Putin does not nuke us first), history books will be written to describe the Biden years. What is happening right now is so fantastically bad, many might think those history books belong in the fiction section of the library. But what is happening is true. For that reason, Joe Biden, aka Uncle Joe, will go down in history as the worst (by far) President we have EVER had.

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