Sunday, April 24, 2022

Beware Transnistria, here they come!

"Where does the world go from here? Putin, and his Satan II ICBMs, are a threat to those do not comply. Should we cower, and watch Putin become the new Hitler? Or should we make a stand, and risk Armageddon." 

It has taken a few weeks, but the Russian playbook has finally been figured out. Even though the cost to Russia has been huge (some say 30,000 troops dead), and the world's opinion of Putin is somewhere lower than whale dung, this venture will be worth it to the ruling elite. Does it have anything to do with Ukraine? Sure does - especially the southern half. But Russia will not stop at Odessa. One would think those southern port cities would be prize enough for Putin. 

One of Putin's top commanders spilled the beans last week. Russia not only wants to split Ukraine in two, but Russia also wants to continue on into Moldova. Now we get into that kettle of fish, which is similar to the Donbas Region of Ukraine. Breakaway Russian enclaves. Ukraine has Donbas, and Moldova has Transnistria. Both Donbas and Transnistria support Russia, and therefore, both are problems for their host country.

This is naked aggression by a superior state. It is an out and out invasion. Back in the day (1990), when another superior state (Iraq) invaded a smaller country (Kuwait), the United Nations sanctioned a coalition of the willing to expel Iraq out of Kuwait. Today, on the other hand, the United Nations is more concerned if Russia is using electric tanks, to fit in with the "greenies" who now run the UN. Meanwhile, the town of Mariupol is a shooting gallery. A massacre. And the UN could give two whoops and a holler to stop it from happening. SMH... 

Moldova, like Ukraine, are not part of NATO. Shame. Article 5 could come in very handy right about now. This summer, Finland and Sweden will join NATO (about time!), so the northern flank of the Euro Zone will be protected. But down south, that is where the action is. In fact, as of February of this year, 1,000 Russians are stationed in Transnistria. If I were in leadership in Moldova, I would be very, very nervous right now.

Where does the world go from here? Putin, and his Satan II ICBMs, are a threat to those do not comply. Should we cower, and watch Putin become the new Hitler? Or should we make a stand, and risk Armageddon. 

Welcome to 2022. The year after the pandemic. The year we were all going back to "normal". If watching Putin become the new Hitler, with all the horror that goes along with it, I will take the pandemic instead. 

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