Saturday, April 2, 2022

Hunter? Or hunted?


Here is the lessons learned from our last election. If the Deep State wants you in, you will be in. If the Deep State wants you out, pack your bags. Don't believe it? Just ask Donald Trump.   

Yes, the long awaited decision on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, might be close to fruition. The laptop, if made public and bona fide before November of 2021, might have made a sea change in a Presidential election. But alas and alack - the Deep State had its way, and kept this very damning laptop out of sight, out of mind, until the dust settled. Then we ended up with Slo Joe as our President.

What exactly does this laptop have in it, which is so very terrible? Besides Hunter's salacious lifestyle? Influence peddling. With Russia, Ukraine, and China. Even though Daddy Joe (aka, the "Big Guy") thinks Hunter is the smartest man on the planet, most others who know him, think of him as a dim witted crack head. Certainly not the kind of intellect which would command the salaries Hunter was getting from all these questionable ventures.

The question that many conservative pundits have asked recently, is this - "OM Goodness! What if Hunter's last name was Trump, and Donald was still President?" This would have been the biggest scandal since DB Cooper. But Hunter's name is not Trump. It is Biden. And good old Uncle Joe was anointed by the high command of the Deep State to be our next President. And how is that working out for us? Never mind - this is about Hunter, not Joe. Joe's turn is coming up shortly.

Will Ms. Nancy have the guts or brain power to open up a Congressional investigation on this grifter? Seems to me, from what I have heard, the evidence contained in this laptop is fairly certain. And - if not now, then when the next Congress is sworn in - let's find out how Veep Biden used his "Big Guy" influence to get the ball rolling on many of these contaminated business dealings. And maybe even (Gasp!) - what did President Obama know, and when did he know it?

If Putin does not blow everyone up first, there will be books written about this entire cover up. It will be a non-fiction book, but it is so incredible, so hard to believe, it might have to be sold as fiction.

Here is the lessons learned from our last election. If the Deep State wants you in, you will be in. If the Deep State wants you out, pack your bags. Don't believe it? Just ask Donald Trump.   

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