Saturday, April 9, 2022

The coming season of Holy

"But the Holy Spirit did come. He brought gifts, needed gifts, for the disciples to practice the Great Commission. Besides being a Comforter, an Advocate, the Holy Spirit is God living within us."

Tomorrow starts Holy Week. It is a big, big week in the Christian Church. Actually, it is a big, big week for every person on Planet Earth. With tomorrow being Palm Sunday, Holy Week starts in earnest. The more my wife and I study about this week, the more amazed we are with the number of very significant events that were packed into this seven day period. But it is the week, which changed the world. It changed everything, for every one, for ever more. Whether people realize it or not - it did. 

One of our former pastors had an interesting take on the entire Easter experience. With so many important things which let up to Easter, everything had a purpose. But his take, was what happened directly after Easter. The Risen Christ appeared. Not just to a few, but to over 500. That was the proof. From having Thomas putting his fingers in the holes in the Savior's hands, to people just hearing Jesus speak. 

Last night, we watched a show about the Pentecost event from Acts, Chapter 2. I am very interested in learning more about that period of time. It is after Christ ascended into Heaven, until the Holy Spirit descended, and anointed Christ's disciples. I think Jesus knew his disciples would be scared and lonely once He left. After all, the Romans were still hunting them. That is why Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Comforter". But in that period of time between the ascension of Jesus, and the arrival of the Holy Spirit, times were dangerous and scary.

But the Holy Spirit did come. He brought gifts, needed gifts, for the disciples to practice the Great Commission. Besides being a Comforter, an Advocate, the Holy Spirit is God living within us. 

Easter is such a wonderful time of the year. It is a great time to stay in the Word, and to gain discernment. The Passion, and then Pentecost. And now, 2,000 years later, we are to continue to spread the Word - the Good News.

What a gift. What a message. With all the evil in the world, God sends us good. Then and now, God sends us good. And as we know, God is good, all the time.  

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