Saturday, November 12, 2022

As the country further divides itself...

"To me, this election was a defining moment. A true revelation. A moment of truth. We can no longer live together."

I remember reading an article not too long ago, about a concept called "Greater Idaho". For those who have vacationed in Idaho, know it is a drop dead beautiful state. It is also a red state. It has a Republican governor, two Republican senators, and its two congressmen are also Republicans. It is a deep red state, with only one very small patch of blue.

This has not gone unnoticed by a neighbor to the west. Eastern Oregon is trapped with two Democrat nut ball senators, and a socialist governor. And a good portion of the eastern part of the state - wants out. They want to be a part of "Greater Idaho".

The same can be said for California. Many in the state want it broken up into three states. There are many reasons for it, but one is politics. Many normal Californians are sick of being ruled by socialists and idiots. If you look at a political map of California, it is over half red. It is mostly the coastal cities in California, Oregon and Washington which have spoiled the party. But - it does not just end with the west coast cities.

The very blue state of New York is also over half red. It is only a couple of densely packed areas which have turned this state deep blue. Very similar to California. In fact, Michigan (a blue state) is about 80% red in territory. Illinois, same way. Even the now very blue state of Minnesota is that way. Not as red as Michigan, but still very red in territory.

There are some in Minnesota which stand ready to throw in the towel. To win a statewide election with the socialist regimes of Hennepin and Ramsey counties standing in the way, might be a bridge too far. Choices then? 1) Move out of state, leaving friends and family behind, or 2) Lay down and let the Democrats and socialists continue to run and ruin this state, or 3) Secede. Become a new state called "Eastern Dakota".

What has happened in many of our states (including Minnesota), is tyranny. Plain and simple tyranny. Many good folks are now being ruled (not governed - ruled), by petty tyrants who have a power base in the cesspools we once called cities. To get into the cesspools, and change their secular humanist and socialist thinking - is all but impossible.

Election cycle after election cycle, good candidates are put forward by conservative Christians. Many of whom, have won easily in outstate Minnesota. But when the cesspools vote, it is the end of the trail. This last election was a case in point. Many good candidates died in the goo of the cesspools. They did well in most of Minnesota, but not in socialist strongholds.

To me, this election was a defining moment. A true revelation. A moment of truth. We can no longer live together. Too many of us don't want to be "ruled" any longer. Freedom loving people who live outstate, are like the American colonies. The socialists who live in cesspool cities, are like King George.

Many of us don't want an armed revolution, but we want out. We want to govern ourselves again, by electing American conservatives. 


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