Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thankful - to be an American

"Even though every day I try to remember how blessed we are to live in this country, tomorrow I will celebrate those blessings with a renewed passion. Am I proud to be an American? Every day. But especially tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day. A wonderful day to be an American." 

Those who have traveled outside these United States have learned the same truth I have learned. As nice as it is to visit far away lands, very few places (if any) are better than living in the USA. How so? Check out our southern border. We don't have people trying to escape from this country - on the contrary, we have hundreds, sometimes thousands a day, trying to sneak in. Why? The story of America has spread far and wide. We are the shining city on the hill - the beacon of freedom and liberty, for all to see.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It is a day to count our blessings, and to be thankful for them. Truthfully, the amount of blessings we have in this country are almost beyond measure. Really? Are we that perfect of a country? Not a bit. Still much work to do, to become a "more perfect Union". Put putting that aside, we are still very good. Damned good, if I may let my language slip for a moment.

That being said, I am constantly reminded of that famous statement attributed to Ben Franklin. When asked right after the Constitutional Convention of 1787, what kind of a country do we have now - a monarchy or a republic, Franklin responded, "A Republic - if we can keep it." What did he mean by that? Just like a good marriage takes work to be successful, having a wonderful country like ours also takes work. And sacrifice at times. Letting our country coast in neutral is more than dangerous - it can be deadly to our form of government. These days, we really need to remember that.

Even in our own neighborhood, our country stands out, and gleams like a fine cut stone. Canada, as nice as it is, is basically a socialist country now. People at one time thought Canada and the United States were like twins. No longer true. And Mexico? Been there lately? It has turned out to be lawless and corrupt. Which is a shame, as it has such a rich heritage. Good, hard working people. Now it is a nest bed of drugs, trafficking, and gangs. Shame.

Even though every day I try to remember how blessed we are to live in this country, tomorrow I will celebrate those blessings with a renewed passion. Am I proud to be an American? Every day. But especially tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day. A wonderful day to be an American. 

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