Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Now, back to normal?

"I have one expired beer in my fridge downstairs, which I am sure is now flat. When the 218th Republican seat is called today, I will open that flat beer and drink a toast. Why drink a flat beer? That is all this 'victory' deserves. That and one more, 'meh'."     

Yesterday was Monday. It was snowing. We are still trying to come down from the most intense Viking game we have seen in quite a while. We still don't know the total outcome of last week's election. Welcome to our new normal. The election has gone from a nail biter, to a collective "meh". How so? The one "stopper" we had to thwart Biden's reign of terror, might not be a "stopper" after all. Even if the Republicans do get 218 House seats.

What does all this mean? Even with a slim majority in the House, and not having the Senate, our barrier in the road to stop Biden might end up being only a speed bump - or less. Why? Herding cats. If the Republican majority is that thin, it will be easy to have a few defections or absences. In other words, it will be possible to have a slim majority, and have it not mean spit. Nada.

This morning the count in the House stands at 217. One contested seat to go to get to 218. One might wonder, why in the world, does it take a week past election day to count the votes? Good question. One which many are asking right now. Minnesota really counted their votes fast last week. We knew about the Republican slaughter the night of the carnage. Oh, joy.

As soon as the new session is called early next year, the drain at the bottom of our treasury will be opened. Billions will go down into the black hole called Education Minnesota. Why? Paybacks, brother - lots of paybacks. 

Even though many school boards were flipped to more parent friendly boards, that will not stop the state financial teat from being free flowing. Democrats (especially in Minnesota), never have any problem in spending taxpayer money - and lots of it. Why not? Not their money. To them, it is play money. No accountability. Graft? Who cares? Waste? Happens all the time. Failure factory schools? Cost of doing business. Full speed ahead, with not even the mention of a small gomennasai

Given all the levers of power to Minnesota Democrats, is tantamount to trading your 3 percent mortgage in for a 10% ARM. Pay more - get less. That is the real Democrat mantra. But who cares? The prairie populists in Minnesota give a collective "meh" to all their spending. SSDD, as the expression goes. We live in a state, led by a fraud, and managed by socialist idiots. We are a blue waste land, located in the middle of free red states. Minnesota needs to wake up and become more like Iowa or South Dakota.

I have one expired beer in my fridge downstairs, which I am sure is now flat. When the 218th Republican seat is called today, I will open that flat beer and drink a toast. Why drink a flat beer? That is all this "victory" deserves. That and one more, "meh".     

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