Friday, November 4, 2022

"Let them eat cake!"

"Then you will find out, live and in color, that we are still citizens, not your subjects. And King Joe, you are not a king. You work for us. Period. End of story."  

This often misquoted phrase which is attributed to Marie-Antoinette, does not ring hollow today. In fact, it is probably just as germane as it would have been in 18th century France. How so? The phrase, "Let them eat cake", is alleged to have been said by someone in royalty when that person found out the peasants had no bread to eat. The person in royalty, being so out of touch with his or her servants and serfs, offered cake as a solution to not having any bread, even though cake was much more expensive to eat. Clueless leaders to the citizens suffering - sound familiar?

Yesterday, I wrote about the upcoming diesel shortage. This is a big deal. Even if the doomsday predictions are dismissed, it still means we are paying more for diesel fuel. And all of that gets rolled right in with our cost of everything. One of the main culprits for this shortage is the end of us getting Russian dirty oil. Wait - I thought we were energy independent. We were. But we needed some crappy oil from a dictator to fill the gap which Biden created. Now that is gone, and we have a hole in our diesel production because of it.

Is this a short term issue? Nope. Not until we start "drill, baby, drill" again. And build more much needed refineries. But the AOC crowd, and the "greenies", will do their dead level best to stop all of that. They want us broke and broken. "Let them eat cake!", goes their shrill cry. And that is dittoed by the moron in chief. Meanwhile, the subjects (or citizens as we were once called), are left to suffer.

And what about the pernicious way in which our "king" has handled the economy? The dreadful weight of inflation has caused many of the subjects to chose between eating and heating. When the mournful cry has gone up to the "king" for help, the answer once again comes back, "Let them eat cake! Besides all of which, who did you vote for last time? Did you vote for me and democracy, or did you vote with the insurrectionists?" 

"But sire", the subjects pleaded, "You promised to be the leader of ALL the people, not just the ones who voted for you. Plus, if you would excuse me for telling you this, we don't live in a democracy - we live in a republic." With that bit of correction, King Biden almost choked on his ice cream cone. "How dare you talk to me that way, Jack! What the hell is wrong with you for God's sake? That type of disrespect can only come from a Mega MAGA type!" 

It then dawned on me. This empty suit, who somehow allegedly got 81 million votes, not only thinks we are a democracy instead of a republic, but also a monarchy. He does not give a wit about the little people. About what a mess this country is now in. All King Joe cares about is King Joe.

Well King Joe, do you want to hear about the real insurrection? Not the phony one from January 6th. The real insurrection will happen on November 8th, when we throw some of your henchmen out of office. When we put some adults back in charge of the House and maybe the Senate.

Then you will find out, live and in color, that we are still citizens, not your subjects. And King Joe, you are not a king. You work for us. Period. End of story.  

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