Thursday, November 10, 2022

Ugh! And the day after the shock...

"Going forward, we can either lay down and give up, move, or fight. This state does not have to be blue. That is not a natural law. We need to look to Iowa, and how they 'red waved' the 2022 election. They kicked it, and kicked it hard."

Yesterday was a terrible day for me. And I am sure it was terrible for many others. I woke up feeling empty. Lost. Of all the outcomes which I could envision coming out of this election, this was not one of them. Why? We were the ones who had not mucked things up. It was the blue team which set the table for us. They broke things. The feast was prepared, and it all depended how much we wanted to consume. I mean, it was either going to be a red wave or a red tsunami. A "red trickle" was never in the cards.

The post mortem analysis had already started. It was quality of candidates, it was the softness of MNGOP, it was the iron clad metro area, it was the abortion issue, it was fear of Donald Trump, blah, blah, blah. Then yesterday, in the middle of this murky day, as I sat in a frumpy grump, I saw something interesting on the news. It was a pundit who might have nailed it. How we lost, and how to fix it in the future.

Early voting. We not longer have voting day. Accept it. That is now history. Instead we have "voting month". The Democrats have realized that, grabbed it, and ran with it. The Republicans have stubbornly held on to voting day. And it is making just enough of a difference in a sharply divided country, to tilt the balance over to the Democrats.

To lose an election, where 75% of those polled say we are going in the wrong direction, we have to now make sense out of the non-sense. To accept early voting as the new norm, means we need to learn how to maximize the benefits which accrue from it. In other words, we need to learn from the Democrats. 

Everything the Democrats are doing, we need to do. We are better than they are. There are more of us. We live on the right side of the issues. It makes no sense for us to lose - ever again. The good news going forward, is Biden and company will continue to set the table for us. By 2024, things should even be more mucked up than they are now. We fix our voting issues, and we WILL have that red tsunami. We will keep the House, take the Senate, AND the White House.

In 2020, it was the suspicions of trickery in the election. In 2022, it was getting hoodwinked by early voting. The planning for 2024 needed to start yesterday. And by the way - a destructive battle between Trump and DeSantis, is the LAST thing we need right now. One of them needs to stand aside and support the other. A destructive primary will only hurt us - and hurt us bad. 

Going forward, we can either lay down and give up, move, or fight. This state does not have to be blue. That is not a natural law. We need to look to Iowa, and how they "red waved" the 2022 election. They kicked it, and kicked it hard. We on the other hand, got kicked in Minnesota. In 2024, we can be like Iowa. Or better.



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