Thursday, November 3, 2022

Diesel Fuel - Catastrophe or Canard?

"The question of which I am still trying to get a good answer on is this - is this shortage real, or a canard? If it is real, this is very serious."

My wife and I are planning on going on a cruise sometime this winter. That is the good news. If you have been reading some of the press reports as of late, you no doubt have seen that a diesel fuel shortage could be coming, and coming soon. So what does that have to do with our planned cruise? Cruise ships burn diesel fuel. A lot of diesel fuel. Like a large cruise ship will burn about 66,000 gallons of diesel fuel a day, when steaming in open water. 

How bad is the projected diesel shortage? Best case, the current price of diesel will go from $5.40/gal, to over $6/gal (hello inflation). The worst case (which I have heard), is we could run out by December 5th of this year. What does that mean? It means everything comes to a halt. Stores will look like ghost towns. Fresh produce will start to rot as it just sits. Fuel oil can't be delivered in the upcoming winter months. Common carrier shipping will stop. Yes, and all shipping, will also be affected. Most supply chains will be totally broken.

The problem with finding out the truth on this issue is simply this - for most people, trust in what our government tells us (or does not tell us) - is paper thin. We have a sitting President who promised everyone he was going to kill our fossil fuel industry. And so far, he has done a pretty good job on keeping that promise. That being said, is it possible then we could have a diesel shortage? Absolutely! Diesel has long been on the hit list for the "greenies". Why? It is dirtier than most other fuels. 

I am sure that some woke, goofy looking space cadet type "greenies", would be tickled pink if we ran out of diesel. As would Slo Joe. Even if the country came to a complete stop, they would look at running out of diesel as a pyrrhic victory. What if we don't run out, but the price of diesel goes up again? Biden would blame the oil companies for "gouging".

The question of which I am still trying to get a good answer on is this - is this shortage real, or a canard? If it is real, this is very serious. The most serious since Slo Joe assumed his position. If it is not real, it is just more gaslighting. And I am very tired of the Biden gaslighting issues on energy.   

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