Sunday, November 13, 2022

Did we trade the Dobbs decision for control of Congress?

"Time for the red team to do some real soul searching. 2024 will be here before you know it. If we don't fix what is broken, we will end up with a President Harris or President Pete, with a blue Congress to support them." 

Last night, the news many were dreading, but surprised few, came in. The senate seat in Nevada went from Republican lead, to Republican concession. That means the Democrats will keep control of the Senate, regardless of how Georgia turns out. In addition, the red trickle could even be less of that, when the final seats in Congress are adjudicated. The Republicans will either end up with the thinnest of margins, or none at all.

So, what happened? With the economy hanging on by a tread, the open borders looking more like an invasion, and brown outs and black outs threatened for this winter. This should have been a cake walk, with a red tsunami the size of Denali sweeping over the capitol. Nope. Not even close. What was it then? Biden's persona? Ah - no. It was the Dobbs decision last summer. We took the blue team, who had nothing to run on, and gave them a whopper.

Don't get me wrong. I am very pro-life. I also believe that abortion should have NEVER been a federal issue. That being said, it was cemented in our federal law for so many years, many on the left thought abortion was a Constitutional "right". It was not. Never was.

The election of 2022 will go down in history as opportunity lost. Abortion was kicked back to the states, but in return for that, we have two more years of Biden running rough shod over the nation. How bad did abortion really hurt the election process? Let me just say the name of Fetterman. Let that sink in. Or Minnesota getting shut out of every state wide office. Were there some bright spots? Sure. Florida taking Miami Dade county. Iowa winning the trifecta by turning the state from purple to red. 

Time for the red team to do some real soul searching. 2024 will be here before you know it. If we don't fix what is broken, we will end up with a President Harris or President Pete, with a blue Congress to support them. 

Cheer up. Things could be worse. So we cheered up, and things got worse. Sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Crazy thing is, Dobbs did not "outlaw" abortion. That was a big lie. Turning it back to the states where it should be, did not "outlaw" abortion; that was a big lie. "Codifying Roe v. Wade" was the OPPOSITE of what Roe v. Wade actually said, which was to allow states to regulate after a certain point in gestation-- 20 weeks. The vast majority of Americans are OK with limits of 20 weeks or even 16, so Democrats saying otherwise is a Big Lie. We didn't hand them the issue, they took it and made a Big Lie out of it.
