Friday, September 22, 2023

10,000 a day? Are you kidding me?

"Here is the real question: If we continue to get 10,000 illegals crossing the border every day, where will they go? What will they eat? What will they do for money?"

Yesterday, my wife and I needed to make the sojourn over to Sam's Club to get some gas and needed provisions. On the way home, we saw something which we have been seeing more and more lately. The proliferation of this event has been surprising as well as disappointing. On just about every meridian in every intersection we passed, was some person begging for food. They all had the same kind of signs they were holding up. "Please help. Hungry and pregnant. I have four kids and no food." My suspicious mind askes, why are all of these gals pregnant with the same number of kids waiting to be fed? But I digress.

Why are all of these people showing up this year? My guess? None of them look like they are from these parts. We have hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of illegal aliens who have been sneaking over our southern border. And now the flood gates have really opened up. We have 10,000 a day coming over our former southern border (I say former, as there is no border anymore).

Don't get me wrong. Street beggars are not new in this neck of the woods. When my wife and I worked with the Anoka County homeless, we were trained on how to handle the street beggars. Never give them money. Give them a clean pair of socks, and some bottled water, and instructions on how to get to the closest shelter. Again (and we heard this in spades) - NO MONEY. 

Some were in need of food; others were in need of some change to buy a 5th of whiskey with. I remember one day, a young man (who looked healthy), was begging right outside a Burger King. There was a huge sign hanging on the Burger King window which said, "Now hiring - $15/hour". The question needs to be asked - why not go across the street to Burger King, fill out and app, and start working? The answer to that question would have been interesting, for sure.

Here is the real question: If we continue to get 10,000 illegals crossing the border every day, where will they go? What will they eat? What will they do for money? This is a witch's brew about ready to overflow the cauldron. Our society is not built this way. Soon, desperate people will take desperate actions. Either on one side or the other.

Just remember, when our society starts to collapse down on us, who the man was behind the curtain. That would be Joeseph R. Biden. He took an immigration system which was working "okay" and turned it into a mob of unidentified people, coming in waves from all directions. Well played Joe! Now that you have totally effed up the country, go back to Delaware and take a nap.  




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