Thursday, September 14, 2023

A bigger grid? Better hurry!

"One final side note. Our energy in this state has become so expensive, it is causing household incomes in Minnesota to continue to decline. More and more families are in need. The paper also had a good article about that issue this morning in the paper." 

Did you know that in just over 16 years, this messed up state of Minnesota has committed to be 100% carbon free and renewable in its energy? Yep, in 2040 is when the ship will hit the sand. Somebody penned a fairly good article today in the local "fish wrap" concerning this issue. He said, there is no way this will happen with our current grid. Like, DUH! Our electric grid is old, dumb (not smart), and frail. We need a whole new grid, or all you "fish" buying EVs which need to be charged on a regular basis, are going to be up a creek without so much as a paddle.

With all the money we spend on dumb and wasteful projects in this state, our grid stands out like a red flashing warning sign. We are one EMP, natural or otherwise, event away from total disaster. Many scientists have been warning about this for years. We need a smart, robust grid, with built in redundancies. We need a grid which is scalable - which can grow as our electricity needs grow. Right now, we have squat. Even though we have been warned, hucksters like Taxing Timmy are trying to get us to look at the shiny penny (EVs) instead. The problem is, until we fix our grid, that shiny penny will start to look very tarnished.

Electricity is something most of us take for granted. This state is very proud of the fact that in 2022, we generated about 1/3 of our energy from renewable sources. And it was expensive. Until we wise up, and either use our existing fossil fuels or nuclear to augment our energy supply, we will be running a fool's errand. We will literally be playing with fire. The output our grid will supply in 2040, compared to the input required by our greenie fantasy in 2040, do not match. Not even close.

What was the point of this article in the paper today? Time to act like thinking adults instead of little kids, being infatuated with loud and colorful gizmos. There is nothing cool and sexy about a stout grid. Done correctly, it will not even be noticeable. In fact, the only time a grid is noticeable today, is when it fails. A smart, robust grid will exist in the background, doing only one thing - performing.

One final side note. Our energy in this state has become so expensive, it is causing household incomes in Minnesota to continue to decline. More and more families are in need. The paper also had a good article about that issue this morning in the paper. 

What is the bottom line? We are an expensive state, going headlong into a crash with reality. This state has been mismanaged by Walz, Dayton and (I hate to say it) - Pawlenty. With Democrats in power being as common as wasps swarming by trash bins in August, this state is running like a car with two flat tires. 

Soon the chickens will come home to roost. Will Minnesota be ready with all these disjointed priorities? Not a chance, unless we get the adults back in charge. And that could happen as early as November 2024. Or not. 

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