Sunday, September 10, 2023

Lest we forget?

"Have I moved on from 9/11? Not one inch. That day, like most of us, is burned into my memory."

President Biden is in Viet Name today. Visiting with the Chairman of the Communist Party. It is September 10th, and tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. How are these two things related? They are not. Not a bit. Tomorrow on 9/11, Biden will stop over in Alaska. Why? Maybe some mention of 9/11, and maybe not. Why? Time to move on.

Wait a dang minute! What do you mean it might be time to move on? One of the President's handlers was asked that question. "Is the President trying to move on from 9/11?" The answer was, "No, but 22 years after Pearl Harbor, we did not have the President visiting Hawaii on December 7th." I guess with that answer, the table is set. If Biden is re-elected, 9/11 will start to fade into the dustbin of history. If most any Republican is elected in 2024, 9/11 will be remembered, and remembered with a passion.

Here is the main difference between the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Japan had a government which condoned such a sneak attack on American interests. It was a horrible day, followed up by a horrible war. But when the war was over, Japan purged itself of warring interests, and became dedicated to peace. Japan is now one of our closest friends in the Western Pacific.

9/11 was also a horrible day, followed up by a 20-year war in Afghanistan which also ended horribly. The attack on 9/11 was not done by a nation state - it was done by terrorists. Now that we are 22 years after the attack, have the terrorists beaten their swords into plowshares? Not one bit. They are still out there and would attack us again in a New York minute.

Have I moved on from 9/11? Not one inch. That day, like most of us, is burned into my memory. Most everybody can relive what they were doing and where they were at on September 11, 2011. It was a day which changed America. It changed the world. It changed how we do just about everything. No - moving on from the hard lessons learned on 9/11 is not an option.

And that stupid idea that Obama had about making this a "day of service" was just that - a stupid idea. This is a day of remembrance. Plain and simple. Will I ever forget? I WILL NEVER FORGET. I will never forget what happened, and who did it. Never. Ever. Never. 



  1. And...JFK proves the Delaware Dotard *wrong*:

  2. "Biden will stop over in Alaska. Why?"

    Refueling. SOP.
