Saturday, September 16, 2023

Choosing sides

"Our defense budget right now needs to be our highest priority. We need to strip out all the BS crap and get back to training warriors. When the dark times come, and they will come, we need to be ready. What is at stake? Everything."   

One might think from the title of this post is about politics. Not a bit. Not this time. No, this is about something much bigger. It is about how the world is being divided up into (as some put it), the "good guys' and the "bad guys". Of course, at the center of the "good guys" is the United States. The United States, who is the titular head of NATO, has helped craft an expanded alliance of freedom fighters. With the addition of Finland and hopefully Sweden before too long, NATO has become very robust. And who besides the United States is the anchor of this modern-day NATO?

Poland and Germany are the cornerstones of NATO in Europe. Poland has been all in for a while, and Germany has had a recent renaissance on military spending. Germany, who for years after World War II had lost its appetite for war, has been awakened by the sleeping giant of Russia invading Ukraine. They have gone from tepid spending, to spending money on defense like there is no tomorrow. Putting Germany's new military next to Poland's military makes a formidable ally. Throw the Nordic countries into the mix, and all of a sudden, NATO looks very "bad ass".

But wait - what about the other side of the globe? The one where the up-and-coming nemesis called China, resides? The United States has been busy over there also, shoring up the "good guys" ranks. We not only have Japan (who also has broken out of the post-World War II peace slumber), but also Taiwan, Australia, South Korea, and the Philippine Islands. All of a sudden, the United States does not need to be the only sheriff in town in that part of the globe. Other freedom loving countries have joined the team.

But what about India? That would be a great add. India right now is trying to get along with all sides. But I think a time is coming where they will have to choose. China is not their friend. The sooner they realize that the better. The same goes for Viet Nam. Israel and the Saudis also need to join the right team. We need a vast expanse of "good guy" nations worldwide, that the new evil empire of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea would not DARE to attack. It would be one bunch, all bunch. You attack one, you attack all. 

If anyone thinks this is just histrionics and hyperbole, it is not. Just like leading up to World War II, the world is dividing into armed camps. The difference is many of us remember our history. We will not be lulled into a false sense of peace when the war drums are beating. The free world does not need any more Neville Chamberlains. As Reagan said, we need peace through strength. Period.

Our defense budget right now needs to be our highest priority. We need to strip out all the BS crap and get back to training warriors. When the dark times come, and they will come, we need to be ready. What is at stake? Everything.   



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