Friday, June 14, 2024

All of a sudden, this is a problem

"I know most who read my blog articles are 'red pill' takers. That is a very good thing. There are, however, still some 'blue pill' takers out there who stumble across the Very Angry Bird's rants. To those people I say this - WAKE UP! We are in grave danger right now, and this is a call to action!" 

To the "blue pill" crowd, who are just waking up, let me welcome you to the party. Okay - not really a party. A panic. Or we can just call it reality. Us "red pill" takers have been shouting this from the rooftops, and ringing the fire bell for years now. Our immigration system was not really in good shape prior to Trump leaving office, but since he left 3 1/2 years ago, it has been a hot mess in the middle of a train wreck. And this week, the reality hit home. Finding out we have eight (maybe more) ISIS-K terrorists in our country, bidding to do us harm. It was only by luck and good FBI sleuthing that we caught these guys before they could act.

Here is the long and the short of it. It is estimated we have over 10 million illegals roaming around our country right now. I would give you the exact number, but nobody really knows what it is. So, for the sake of easy math, let's assume it is only 10,000,000 even. If only 1/10 of 1 percent of those folks are bad apples, people who want to do us harm, with a pool of 10,000,000 to choose from, that number would be one thousand bad guys. One thousand bad guys, just waiting to do us harm. Kill innocent people. Destroy infrastructure. Disrupt our lives.

Not to cast aspersions, but the Democrat Party is loaded with "blue pill" takers. So much so, when it came to throwing Mayorkas out of office once he was impeached, the "blue pill" lackies in the Senate all voted to keep Mayorkas. Even though his fingerprints are all over this mess. One might wonder how any red-blooded patriotic American could let this happen to our country. That is a great question. I would love to hear the answer.

But - here is the smidgen of good news. Now some "blue pill" folks are waking up. Not many, but some. They see the great and present danger to our country. They want it fixed and fixed now. Not by this smoke and mirrors bs which the president signed via executive order - they want it fixed - really fixed. As the saying goes, "All of a sudden, this is a problem. The "red pill" folks have known this is a problem for years, but I will not belittle that point.

I have said earlier, this mess is like Humpty Dumpty. The effect of the fall which broke Humpty was not hard to do. Eggs crack when dropped. But putting Humpty back together again - now that is a horse of a different color. I don't know if Donald Trump has enough tools in his toolbox to fix this. He can stem (not stop) the flow of illegals coming into this country, but getting all the bad apples out of here, might be a bridge too far. Lawsuits from the remaining "blue pill" litigants will stack up like cordwood. 

I know most who read my blog articles are "red pill" takers. That is a very good thing. There are, however, still some "blue pill" takers out there who stumble across the Very Angry Bird's rants. To those people I say this - WAKE UP! We are in grave danger right now, and this is a call to action! 

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