Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biden's Irreversable mess

"What am I trying to say here? What Biden has wrought on this country, what evil Biden has visited upon us, might be as permanent as indelible ink. This might be his legacy. This mess. This hodge podge of drugs, sex and crime. Thanks Joe. I hope getting all these new votes was worth it."      

I was listening to some Democrat on the news being interviewed concerning the border mess that Biden recently enacted via executive order. Of course, the Democrat did not think it was a mess. No - it was great. It was just like the Senate bill which never passed. The only concern he had, was it was an executive order, and not something enacted into law by Congress. "This thing could be tied up in knots by the ACLU in the court system. It could sit in that limbo until it dies."

Then it dawned on me. In fact, it hit me like a sledgehammer. Once Donald Trump gets sworn in January of 2025, and if he immediately tries to fix what Biden has broken on the border, what happens if all Trump's new executive orders get tied up in court? Even if Trump has a friendly House and Senate, and legislation concerning the border is passed into law, what will keep those new laws from being challenged in court?

Even this "mother of all deportation" Trump has promised. I can see that being challenged in court by numerous lefty organizations. Then what? Are we stuck with millions of undocumented and illegal aliens with no place to go? We have people from all over the world right now, inside our borders. In fact, with the "got aways", we don't know who is here. 

People on the right can talk about all the child trafficking, sex trafficking, human trafficking, drug trade, terrorist cells and so forth. "We need to fix that! The cartels don't run our country!" Short of declaring war on the cartels, what are we going to do? Mexico seems content with the status quo. Any problem Mexico has had with illegal immigration, they have just shifted north to us.

Bottom line? If people in this country are dumb enough to re-elect Biden, NOTHING will change. The southern border will continue to be an open sore, a breach, letting in anything and anybody. If Trump wins (as he should), things could be very complicated due to our liberal court system. Even finishing the border fence could be challenged in court.

What am I trying to say here? What Biden has wrought on this country, what evil Biden has visited upon us, might be as permanent as indelible ink. This might be his legacy. This mess. This hodge podge of drugs, sex and crime. Thanks Joe. I hope getting all these new votes was worth it.      


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