Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Old man, take a look at yourself...

"It is title of leader of the free world gone forever? Never again to be held by an American? Not hardly. Trump will get the title back, just by being Trump." 

There is an old joke for old guys. It goes, "Growing old is the ability to shake hands with someone new, and then forgetting his name by time you are done shaking hands." It is a joke, but with Joe Biden, it is not that funny. 

Okay - I paraphrased the title of this post a bit. Sorry, Neil Young. What we are seeing now, live and in color, is something nobody has seen before. It is the unraveling of a president. Bit by bit, piece by piece, he is falling apart. In other words, he is losing it. Even the densest of us, the most unaware, know this much - Joe Biden has dementia. He has not only "lost his fast ball", but Joe also has no pitch left at all. None. But wait - are we not talking about the leader of the free world? I guess, but maybe not.

Well, if not Biden, who is the leader of the free world right now? That is a great question. Is it one of Biden's unseen handlers? That is the best guess. Some might also say Macron of France. He seems to be the ballsy type of guy who could fill the shoes. Maybe Olaf Scholz of Germany. Okay, he might be a socialist, but he is popular with the home folk. Regardless of if he is a capitalist or socialist, can he stand up to Putin? Most say yes.

Me? I like Duda of Poland. He is tough and he is experienced. Most importantly, he hates the Russian menace. He has an awesome military and is not afraid to use it. Poland and Russia are kind of like the Sharks and the Jets from West Side Story. One says to the other, "I hate you!", and the other responds - "I hate you right back". No equivocating or cowering by Duda. He fears Putin not.

Here are the facts as I see them. Our turn to be the leader of the free world is now over. Biden showed that in spades during the last G7 meeting. Heck, Biden even got bested by the Italian Prime Minister. Is title of leader of the free world gone forever? Never again to be held by an American? Not hardly. Trump will get the title back, just by being Trump. 

But what about Biden's Veep? Harris? Would she not become the DeFacto leader of the free world should Biden get the Article 25 ouster? Please - don't make me laugh. As Donald Trump recently said, "They have put her in charge of AI, but she does not know what AI means." 

Old man, take a look at yourself...What does Joe see when he does look at himself? Does he know he is a mere train wreck of what he once was? What about Jill? How can she allow this to happen? Yesterday, Biden could not even remember who his DHS Secretary was. It is time to pull the plug on this guy and take him to Cozy Acres. Why Cozy Acres? So, he won't wonder off like he did in Europe. 

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