Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blue language

"Tomorrow night we have the long-awaited debate. It will be on FCC regulated TV. That means the language should be age appropriate. I know - Donald Trump can be a bit blue at times also. I do wish he would leave that skill set up to the Democrats. Our side does not need to use it." 

There is an old saying, that when one uses profane language, sprinkled with invective or harsh slang, it is considered to be "blue language". Seems to be quite the coincidence that the color of Democrats is blue, and quite often many of them will use "blue language". Or is it just a coincidence? Is it part of the secular humanism that many Democrats love to demonstrate? (Remember the convention when they booed God?). Maybe we should we look at something much more current.

Jamaal Bowman. The "Squad Member" from the bowels of New York. He is the guy who pulled the fire alarm in the Capitol Building, and then said it was an "accident". This man, who was a principal in a government middle school in New York, who was to set a good example for our youth, gave quite a show with AOC and Socialist Bernie at a rally before the primary election. As a former sailor, I have to admit I thought I had heard just about every derivation of the "F" word which could be used. During the rally, this former principal taught me some new ones. His language was so dirty, so profane, it led one news commentator to ask, "Does he eat with that mouth?"

Seems appropriate that Jamaal Bowman should appear at a rally with AOC and the atheist Bernie Sanders. Are these the type of people we want to represent us? I sure don't. But let's look at the bigger picture. I know we all have human frailties, and we are all broken to some degree. But I have to say this - many Democrats take this secular humanism to a whole new and different level. They are like the "ying" to the "yang" of many of the family friendly virtues that many Republicans hold dear.

Even kindly old Joe Biden, when he was Obama's Veep, let out of whopper. When asked about Obamacare, his response was, "It is kind of a big "bleeping" deal." Right on a hot mic. For all to hear. Even tender young ears. I know, I know - LBJ could swear much worse than a sailor. Plus, his racial tolerance left much to be desired. But as the leader of the free world (or as it once was called), many of our international friends expect better from us. We have not only murdered the King's English but have taken that corpse out and stomped on it.

Tomorrow night we have the long-awaited debate. It will be on FCC regulated TV. That means the language should be age appropriate. I know - Donald Trump can be a bit blue at times also. I do wish he would leave that skill set up to the Democrats. Our side does not need to use it. Why? We don't need shock value, as our side has the ideas - better ideas. And good ideas beat out bad language any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. 


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