Monday, June 17, 2024

Second verse, same as the first

"Welcome to Biden's America. Even though the mayhem in Chicago predates Biden, it sure as heck does not predate the Democrat machine which runs the windy city. We really need to take America back. That includes Chicago. People deserve better."

Good Monday morning. What is special about this Monday? Not much, except it is a repeat of many other Mondays as of late. As the song goes, second verse, same as the first. Can we start by looking at Chicago? As we know from listening to or watching the news, Chicago is nothing more than a shooting gallery every single weekend. Even though gun ownership is next to illegal, thugs are able to get guns - easily. This past weekend (Father's Day) - 46 shot and 7 killed. 

According to Hey Jackass, a website which tracks the violence in Chicago, here we are coming up to the halfway point in this calendar year, and already 1,238 people in Chicago have been shot with 212 of those victims dying. Second verse, same as the first. Chicago can change their mayor, their police chief, their everything, yet the beat goes on. Living in Chicago is almost as dangerous as living in Ukraine.

What else is typical for a Monday morning? Another victim of crime living in the upper east coast. An innocent victim of a crime committed by a criminal illegal alien. An alien who snuck into our country, over the southern border in Texas. What can we do to stop it? Not much. Second verse, same as the first. When the very smug looking Mayorkas is questioned about illegal aliens by Congress, his answer is always the same. "The southern border is under control." Liar, liar, pants on fire. Now with over 10 million illegal aliens among us, every state is a border state.

And I would be remiss if I did not have tales of Joe Biden. Just back from his dismal trip to the G7, Joe jetted out to California to be with the rich and famous (and very old) West Coast elite. He even had his friend Barry Obama there to help him. But during the festivities, Joe had a "Juneteenth" moment. He froze again. However, it is Barry to the rescue. Second verse, same as the first. Obama put his hand on Joe's back and guided him off the stage. 

Here is the big question which remains for second verse, same as the first. Are the sheeple in this country so dumb, so naive, that they will elect this empty suit once again? Four more years of morass and stagflation? Four more years of being dragged closer and closer to WW III? Four more years of watching dementia ravage this 81-year-old man, for all too see? Is that going to be our second verse?

Welcome to Biden's America. Even though the mayhem in Chicago predates Biden, it sure as heck does not predate the Democrat machine which runs the windy city. We really need to take America back. That includes Chicago. People deserve better. They deserve to live better. Americas deserve to live safer. Is this mess now called America fixable? We will find out in November. American patriots and citizens deserve a new verse, different from the first. 


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