Thursday, June 20, 2024

Our lord of war?

"Americans - it does not matter if you are red or blue. This next election is not only for all the marbles, but also for the world as we know it. Donald Trump is right. Joe Biden is dragging us into World War III. When the nukes start popping, and the lights go out, nothing will work." 

One of the pundits who follows and studies this stuff was on the news yesterday made a very good point. Ever since our retreat from Afghanistan, the fragile peace we had in our world went up like a refer in Seattle. The SHTF is about to go full nuclear in many places in the world. Our open borders are producing more murders and mayhem. Gas is still high, food is still high, buying a house is still very hard, crime is still king. With all of that, guess who is now ahead by 2 points in the polls. Our lord of war himself. Joe "where am I?" Biden.

I told my wife, if Biden ekes out a victory this time and we have four more years of this crap, I might want out. Out where? Beam me up Scotty! I remember taking a Bible class a few years ago, and the question came up - "Why is not the United States mentioned in the final battle?" Great question. The instructor did not have a good answer for it. Maybe Joe will. Maybe Joe will take the US of A right out of the game. Gone. The greatest country ever - gone. Remember those immortal words - "It is a republic, if you can keep it." Under Joe's leadership, we will lose it. Forever.

Ladies and gentlemen - it pains me to say this to you. If some of your friends and neighbors pull the level in the voting booth for Joe Biden, and he wins in 2024 - it is over. I am not kidding on this one. Anyone who saw the look on the Italian Prime Minister's face when she pulled him back from la-la land, saw that look of disgust. And the look on the Pope's face when he got head butted? It was a Kodac moment.

Peace brings strength. Peace through strength. Weakness brings defeat. Are willing to let someone from NATO or maybe Japan be the next leader of the free world? Because this guy, still thinks he is dealing with Corn Pop and the back of the gym. And so long as Joe Biden feels that way, we are in trouble.

Americans - it does not matter if you are red or blue. This next election is not only for all the marbles, but also for the world as we know it. Donald Trump is right. Joe Biden is dragging us into World War III. When the nukes start popping, and the light go out, nothing will work. And then if we are close enough to a major target, we will be turned into dust. Will we hit the bad guys back? Maybe - but who cares at that point. We will have crossed the Rubicon. 


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