Wednesday, June 5, 2024

So, which way is up then?

"Perplexed right now? As to which way is up? It is hard to be lied to and gaslighted for years and know what the score is. All I know is this - our country is a mess right now, led by a guy who seems to slip more and more every day into a deeper state of confusion." 

Ready for the world's biggest understatement? Our southern border is a mess. We have all been victim to the mother of all gaslighting on this issue, ever since Slow Joe took command of the DHS. That is, Slow Joe and his #1 henchman - Mayorkas. Even though the numbers belie this point, Biden and Mayorkas keep telling us the border is secure. They said they have fixed the mess that Trump left them. Huh? 

Yesterday Biden had an opportunity to face the cameras and roll out his new executive order on the border. Seems he has had somewhat of a change of heart. So much so, this new executive order looks quite a bit like the Senate version of the border bill, which most normal people hated. Why hate it? It did nothing to fix the problem. HR2 which still sits gathering dust, fixed most of the problem. But Biden, and certainly not Schumer, wanted anything to do with that bill.

As goofy as yesterday was with the mass confusion concerning the border issue, the real plum was at the same time Biden was pitching his "new plan", FBI Director Wray was addressing a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the danger this country is now in. The "warning lights are flashing red" all over the place. Wray said he has never seen the threat level higher. We are primed and ready for a jihadist attack by a group like ISIS-K at any time now. An attack like Russia recently suffered.

I think what Wray was trying to say but did not want to stir the pot too much, was groups like ISIS-K could just waltz over the southern border and then go dark. Become a "sleeper cell" just waiting for the right time to strike. And that is where the danger is right now. 

At the same time Wray was in front of a Senate subcommittee, and Biden was pitching his latest nonsense, AG Garland was in front of a House Judiciary Committee trying not to sound too much like a DNC trope. Chairman Jordan and others wanted Garland to explain why we now have two systems of justice in our country. One for Hunter Biden, and the other for Donald Trump. Of course, he denied this accusation. I would have also asked Garland about the southern border. If he would agree with his subordinate Wray that we were in deep do-do right now, or with his boss the President, that everything is sunshine and candy.

Perplexed right now? As to which way is up? It is hard to be lied to and gaslighted for years and know what the score is. All I know is this - our country is a mess right now, led by a guy who seems to slip more and more every day into a deeper state of confusion. If you are nervous right now about the future, that is a good thing. Until we get "normal" back in our country, we should all be very nervous.   

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