Saturday, June 1, 2024

The breaking point

"Democrats will have no interest living under a President Donald Trump. And conservatives in no way want another destructive term of Joe Biden. On November 5th, once the ballots are counted, one side is going to be elated while the other side will be hated."

I am afraid it has come to this. We are now approaching it and going 100 miles an hour. It is only 157 days away. That will very possibly be our "D-Day". The day the United States of America becomes totally ungovernable. It could be the breaking point for this once great nation. Why do I say that? Differences of opinions have now become battle cries. Hills to die on. There is no way that the normal people in this country will put up with four more years of a dystopian Biden. By the same token, there is no way the seething Trump haters will put up with another term of Donald Trump. 

I really thought the 2000 election would be the straw which broke the camel's back. Remember? It was the "hanging chads" election. The election which needed to have the Supreme Court come in and act as referees. Then after it was over, and GW Bush was declared winner, the ALGORE minions refused to accept the outcome. "SELECTED, NOT ELECTED!", was their war cry. Somehow, the nation managed to limp into 2001, where the table was set for 9/11. And then after the horrors of 9/11, for a short and graceful period of time, this fractured nation became one again. But not for long.

Enough good will remained, that in 2004, when Bush ran against John Kerry, the election was not razor thin like it was in 2000. That was a blessing for our country, as I don't know if we could have survived another postmortem with political hacks looking at chads on voting cards with magnifying glasses. But did the country accept Bush as their president? By then, the good vibes that filled the country post 9/11 were all but gone. Bush was now the enemy of the left. Even though Bush was not a conservative, he was still vilified and scorned by the left - and a disappointment to the right.

After Bush, the Republicans had no bench to speak of. The Democrats put up a socialist named Obama, who was going to heal this nation's lingering racial strife. Republicans ran McCain and Romney in 2008 and 2012. This mixed-race junior senator from Illionois stomped both of them. And then the trouble started. The country could see what Obama's real agenda was. Obama was going to remake our country, in his own image. Brotherhood was replaced by tribalism. The conservatives hated what was happening to the country. They went crazy and vowed "never again".

But the socialists and progressives had a better idea. After Obama's second term, forget Biden and have Hillary be our first female president. Brilliant! Except Hillary had baggage. And the Republicans, not to get trounced again like they did under McCain and Romney, nominated an outsider named Donald J. Trump. Trump culled the Republican field and became the torch bearer. And then Trump did the unthinkable - he beat the unsinkable Hillary Clinton. And for that, Trump became public enemy number one. For whom? For Democrats, socialists, globalists, progressives and the media. 

Now after that short history lesson, you can see what I mean about the approaching breaking point. America has become two countries living within the same borders. The people in this country are as different from each other as night and day. Black and white. Good and evil. 

Democrats have no interest living under a second term of President Donald Trump. And conservatives in no way want another destructive term of Joe Biden. On November 5th, once the ballots are counted, one side is going to be elated while the other side will be hated.

What will be the solution? The outcome? I guess we will have to wait until November 6th to find out. Will America survive? Or will lawfare rule the day. Stay tuned.   


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