Friday, June 28, 2024

Clean up on aisle 1600

"I will say this. Seeing the complete destruction of Joe Biden last night was not on my bingo card. I knew Trump would win, but I did not ever think Biden would lose this badly. Any villains last night? Only one. Jill Biden. She should be ashamed of herself." 

I really did not know what to call this article. I almost chose "It's all over, for the lying dog faced pony soldier." Anyone who saw the debate last night, might have similar thoughts. Like, what in the world is wrong with Biden? He has been bad in the past, but never this bad. Donald Trump was on his game, so much so that Uncle Joe might have gotten spooked. But in any event, we all saw the end of a Presidency. Joe may not know it yet, Jill certainly may not know it yet, but have no doubt - POTUS 46 is over.

Even though Joe Biden got involved in quite a bit of gibberish and mumbling last night, I did not relish in seeing our President look like he was ready for Cozy Acres. My main thought was, my Lord - who in our government has his or her finger on the red button? I can't be the only one thinking about this very important issue. How about Putin? Xi? The Norks? Iran? Our allies? We may appear to others right now, like a truck barreling down the hill with no brakes and no driver. 

Donald Trump's prize line of the night was after Joe had some mumble-fest of gibberish, the moderator asked Trump if he would like to respond. Trump's response - "I don't know what he just said. I don't think he knows what he just said." It was a kodak moment. It was at that moment, there was "kind of a hush all over the DNC world". The bottom had just bottomed out. Everybody could see that our Emperor was not wearing any clothes. There was no equivocation, no excuses, no cover-up. Everybody could see just how far down the drain Joe had gone. 

Joes mental wondering had gotten so bad last night, I really thought Joe was going to start talking about "beating the hell out of the racist Corn Pop" once again. Or how he was born in Poland and raised in a Jewish home. In Joe's world of make believe, anything goes. 

Guess who is now on board with how bad things are with Joe Biden. Fox News? Na, they have been reporting on this issue for months - maybe longer. The left leaning MSM. The ones who have carried Joe's water for years. And now they are in a full state of panic. "OMG! TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN!!!" Looks like the August DNC convention is going to be must watch TV.

I will say this. Seeing the complete destruction of Joe Biden last night was not on my bingo card. I knew Trump would win, but I did not ever think Biden would lose this badly. Any villains last night? Only one. Jill Biden. She should be ashamed of herself. 

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