Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Hunter, the GLOAT, and the Hyena

"Is this the end of Biden's war on America? We can only hope. If for some reason, sheeple are dumb enough to vote for this bewildered fool again, it will be the end of America. And remember - Kamala is worse. Seriously - Biden or Harris will end us. They came close the first time around." 

Well, well. Hunter Biden gets tried in Biden-land (sometimes called Delaware), by Abbe Lowell, the best criminal lawyer in DC, and gets found guilty on all charges? Seriously? Of course, if Hunter was allowed to walk, the "two-tiered justice system" that Donald Trump has been alleging would have really grown some legs. The irony is the next trial for Hunter will be the tax trial in California. That one is more serious and supposed to be a "slam-dunk" for the state.

More than once now, our geriatric president has been asked point blank on a news show, "Will you pardon your son if convicted." One word answer - "No". Is there one person on planet Earth who believes that answer? I certainly don't. Remember, Joe Biden was in the running for the GLOAT (Greatest Liar of all Time). This is one you can bet the house on. Joe Biden will either pardon Hunter or commute his sentence. Why? Because he can. Just like Clinton pardoned his half-brother on his last day as POTUS, Biden will do the same.

But hold on - is there a fly in the ointment? Did anyone see Biden at the early "Juneteenth" celebration? He froze in time. While everyone else was doing some kind of dance, Joe just stood there - no emotion, no nothing. Frozen. In the middle of a plethora of Democrats pleading Biden to step down and let someone younger and sharper run in 2024, Biden gives them exhibit "A" at the Juneteenth celebration on why it should NOT be Biden. Who then? Hold on to your hats.

Kamala Harris, also known affectionately as the "hyena", is waiting in the wings. But hold on some would say - Harris is about as popular as strong case of the runs. According to some polls, she is more unpopular than Joe is - and Joe sinks further every week. Well, the Democrats can fix that - they can choose some white guy from California. Like Gavin Newsom. WHAT?? Do you want a civil war in the party of the donkey? Pass up this hysteric, I mean historic woman of color? She could be our first woman of color to be president! What in the world is wrong with that? Only one thing - she can't win. Not even close.

Two things coming up this summer which will be "must watch" TV. First the debate, which will be coming up shortly. The next will be August 19th, which will be the kickoff of the DNC convention. Every nut ball in the country might show up for this one, and it promises to be as raucous as the 1968 DNC convention (also held in Chicago). All this will be must watch TV.

Is this the end of Biden's war on America? We can only hope. If for some reason, sheeple are dumb enough to vote for this bewildered fool again, it will be the end of America. And remember - Kamala is worse. Seriously - Biden or Harris will end us. They came close the first time around. 

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