Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trump Country!

"Want to see the real America? Want to see Trump country? Just hop in your car, fill it up with expensive gasoline, take a drive. Note to the socialists and progressives - you may be the squeaky wheel, but we are still here."

My wife and I traveled north to our RV this past week. It is set up time, after the long winter's nap for the "hut". We would have had it set up earlier, but the constant "faucet" that Mother Nature has been turning on has held us back a bit. In any event, it is now ready, and the drive up north is most enjoyable.

Enjoyable for many reasons, one of which is the political tone once you get north of the 94 beltways. How so? When you get out where hard working Americans produce our food, the color is red and red again. Ladies and gentlemen - this is Trump country!

With the election over 150 days away, that has not stopped many patriots from putting up Trump signs and banners. To be fair, we did see some Biden bumper stickers and signage also, but the invective contained in each was not appropriate to repeat in my family friendly blog. Many "FJB" and so forth. But the Trump signage was all over the place. Proud people, proudly proclaiming their support for the man who will fix this mess that Biden has made.

The good people of outstate Minnesota are not stupid. Nor are they sleepwalking. They know what has just happened in a courtroom in New York Is about as un-American as you can get. They also are consumers like the rest of us. And the farmers use plenty of fuel on their cropland. They know how much things have gone up under "Build, back better" and "Bidenomics". In other words, they won't be played for fools. They love this country and hate tyranny. I guess that makes them patriots.

One Democrat from Minnesota (Dean Phillips), who seems to have a lick of sense, wants Governor Hochul to pardon Donald Trump of any state of New York charges. Why? Phillips can look over the landscape and see reality. When the Democrats go after Donald Trump, they lionize him further. Another Democrat has suggested that Biden pardon Trump - for the same reason. But neither is likely to happen. 

If you ever look at a political map of the United States, what is happening in outstate Minnesota is more common than not. Getting outside the failure factories called big, blue cities, and you will see the real America. And in the real America, that is where the patriots live. The lovers of liberty and freedom. The haters of tyranny.

Want to see the real America? Want to see Trump country? Just hop in your car, fill it up with expensive gasoline, take a drive. Note to the socialists and progressives - you may be the squeaky wheel, but we are still here. We still believe in the real America, the Constitution, and the God of the Bible. And we are many - many and growing.  

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