Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The monolithic problem

"One might ask, with the evidence all around us, on how Joe Biden has really messed things up, why are not more people voting for Donald Trump? Even a hapless fool can see that things were much better when Trump was president." 

There was an incident in California recently, where some Jewish folks were attacked by socialist mutts as they left worship. One lady was assaulted. It was quite a scene, and much panic was felt by the worshipers. Why? Because this is America, and this kind of crap is not supposed to happen. It was a blot on every red-blooded citizen.

This morning, one of the young men who was harassed during that California event was on the news. The moderator asked the young man towards the end of the interview who he was going to vote for in November. Since Jews are usually a monolithic voting block for the Democrats, the moderator was anxious to see if this incident would sway him over to the Republicans. "I have been a Democrat all my life, and I believe in Democrat principals. Joe Biden needs to understand that." That is all he said. The inference was that he was going to stay in the Jewish voting monolith this time around. 

Ergo lies the problem for the Republicans. Not just this year, but every year. Generational voting. Where certain races or religions of people vote in monolithic blocks. After all the crap that Jewish people have gone through in this country in 2024, one would think they would be escaping like crazy from the Jewish Democrat monolith. Nope. 

And the black folk. After decades of empty promises from the Democrats, their voting monolith is still very strong. Sure, Donald Trump has made some very good headway. But the majority of black folk still vote the blue ticket. Why? When it was Lincoln (a Republican) who fought for freedom of the black slaves. And in the very important Civil Rights Act of 1964, a greater percentage of Republicans voted for it than Democrats. And yet - today we have this black monolith of Democrat voters. The majority pull the blue lever each and every time. Generational voting. 

The one voting monolith which has shown some huge cracks as of late, is the Hispanic vote. In fact, Donald Trump has made so much headway with the Hispanic vote, this might be a game changer this election. In 2022, 26% of Latino and Hispanic voters said they would vote for Trump. A recent poll this year, shows that 39% of this voting block would vote for Trump. That is a huge gain. If this continues, Latinos and Hispanics could be a big part of the Republican voter base. And that might be the difference between winning and losing. 

One might ask, with the evidence all around us on how Joe Biden has really messed things up, why are not more people voting for Donald Trump? Even a hapless fool can see that things were much better when Trump was president. I am reminded of the old adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink." Get the idea? The generational brainwashing is so strong in some people, even with strong evidence presented, going from blue to red is a non-starter. SMH...


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