Thursday, June 13, 2024

Subjugation, expansionism and "hellscape"?


"We are better than this. I mean, we should be better than this. Can we make it to 2030 in one piece? Or will the 2020's be our end game. Sometimes I wonder."   

One of Putin's allies, who loves to live in the past, came out the other day with a shocking thought. "Russia needs to start a subjugation of the nations around her. Just like we did during the days of the Tsars, we need to do it again. The Russians have always been a warring people, and we need to get back to those days." Needless to say, China, who at times tries to be the adult in the room, did not take too kindly to this brand of thinking.

But who cares? Russia has lots of friends right now (NOT!). Besides China (sometimes a close partner, sometimes just luke warm), Russia has North Korea, Iran, and - that's it. China prefers to take over the world via trade and expansionism. The old Belt and Roads thing. So then, why are we so worried about China? Their missing piece of the puzzle. Taiwan. Once China can get Taiwan back in their orbit, things can settle down a bit in the Indo-Pacific. That is, sort of settle down.

Of all the times I have seen the world be as unsettled as a boiling cauldron, it is right now. Should Putin take to heart that Russia has rights due to heritage to expand its empire, Ukraine could only be step one. Macron of France might just have it right. That Putin is just getting warmed up. That is why Macron has threatened to send in troops to Ukraine. In the minds of Macron and Duda of Poland, Ukraine might be the hill to die on. If Ukraine falls, all bets are Poland being next.

What about Xi? Will he be satisfied with taking Taiwan? Or is he worried that his move on Taiwan will turn the South China and East China seas red with blood? Every day which passes, the United States and Japan get more and more ready for what seems to be the inevitable. And that inevitability is projected by military experts to happen sometimes between now and 2027. 

Because of Biden's year after year military budget, our Navy is getting smaller while China's Navy gets larger. Thus, our military planners have been forced to "think outside the box". They have come up with an idea called "hellscape" should China make a play for Taiwan. Quite simply, it would be to overwhelm the battlefield with drones. Thousands of them. Make the Taiwan Straits an ultra large "kill zone". Make it so effective, that it would tie the Chinese Navy up in knots until more friendly forces could arrive on scene. 

Some are wondering if this is the best us humans can do right now. To think of more ways to terrorize and subjugate our neighboring nations. Or expand empires by force. And then set up battlefields so deadly, they will be called "hellscapes". We are better than this. I mean, we should be better than this. Can we make it to 2030 in one piece? Or will the 2020's be our end game. Sometimes I wonder.   


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