Sunday, June 9, 2024

Close to the edge...


"We have a Commander-in-Chief who frequently does not know what day it is. That is not strength - that is weakness. That weakness puts us ever closer to the edge. Once that edge is breached, there is no going back. Why do I keep harping on this? Because nothing is changing." 

Reading the news behind the news is a bid spooky these days. It seems things in this land called America are not all sunshine and roses. But most of us already know that. Is there some good news? Always. For example, four Israeli hostages were freed. Not negotiated for - freed using the power and might of the IDF. And if I may add - some intel support from the USA. Somehow the IDF pulled this off. Of course there were some collateral damages. Since Hamas like to use human shields, somewhere between 100 and 200 Gaza civilians (and/or Hamas fighters) were also killed.

Meanwhile, as the fight goes on in Gaza, the rebels in this country continue to protest against Israel. Not against Hamas, but against Israel. This is crazy. Normals in this country do not understand these protests, and most of Israel do not understand them either. But the war goes on.

Also, next week is the week. That is when the Russian Navy is making a return trip to Cuba. Make no mistake - this has nothing to do with Cuba, and everything to do with Joe Biden. Putin knows that Biden is easily spooked, so having a re-run of the Cuban Missile Crisis might jolt Biden out of supplying more arms to Ukraine. Why? Right now, the ATACAMS missiles are causing great havoc with the Russians. As far as Putin is concerned, these weapons have put America in the middle of this fight. 

Just think of what would happen if Putin decided to launch a conventional missile from Cuba towards Norfolk, VA. Something like an ATACAMS missile. Hypothetical? Not really. Putin has hinted as such. Like, maybe Russia could attack targets in the west by firing missiles from another country. Would an attack such as this put us closer to the edge? Or over the edge? Listening to the bluster coming out of many NATO countries as well as Russia and China, the term "nuclear war" is being bantered around like it was nothing more than a soccer game. Not everyone's death sentence, but a soccer game.

Ronald Reagan always preached the concept of "peace through strength". Right now, we are doing almost the opposite. The world's bad guys can smell fear and weakness. Joe Biden set the table for those twin aromas during our retreat from Afghanistan. Many military experts who have the courage to speak out, are still saying the same thing - Afghanistan was the cluster of all clusters. 

We have a Commander-in-Chief who frequently does not know what day it is. That is not strength - that is weakness. That weakness puts us ever closer to the edge. Once that edge is breached, there is no going back. Why do I keep harping on this? Because nothing is changing. Our leaders are skipping along this path to nowhere. They seem to be oblivious to the danger we are all in. Even Macron of France, has talked about French troops joining the fray in Ukraine. This is madness.

Are we living in the end of days? Sometimes it seems as such. Are these the 'birth pangs" which signify the return of Christ? More and more are thinking it might be. In any event, have a wonderful Sunday. And if you go to church this morning, pray for our country. Pray for our world. We need it now more than ever.   

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