Saturday, June 22, 2024

Are EVs becoming the Goldilocks vehicle?

"Elon Musk is aware of all the shortcomings. Will he fix them? No doubt he will. In time that is. But today is not the day to buy a EV. Stick to the ICE and enjoy the ride. Can't be too hot nor too cold to bring the ICE to a standstill. Just saying."

I have said this many times, so I might as well say it again. We were not ready for the EVs. Not even close. Then one might ask, why in the world would Joe Biden push these so hard? The UAW prefers not to build them (not enough touch labor hours), we don't have enough raw material to build the batteries (we buy way too much of it from China), and charging stations are about as common as the Dodo Birds. But there is more. 

It took a cold spell last winter to find out the current crop of EVs are weaklings. Not cut out for very cold weather. Heck, even the very hard to find charging stations failed. Okay - lessons learned. If you live in the northern plains, don't buy an EV. Why? Studies have now shown that EV batteries can lose over 40% of their charge in very cold weather. 

Well, at least EV batteries perform well in the heat, no matter how hot it gets. What? No? This latest heat spell in America has exposed another weakness. It can be too hot to drive these things. Current studies have shown the EV batteries can lose over 30% of their charge just keeping the EV cool. More lessons learned. If you live in the desert southwest, don't drive an EV.

The question remains on the table. With all of these shortfalls with the EV, what is the rush? Why dent the economy? Why act like a tyrant with the citizens? I have also said before, I think EV cars and fuel cell technology will have their day in our economy. But today is not that day. We still have the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) which is working just fine, thank you. 

Elon Musk is aware of all the shortcomings. Will he fix them? No doubt he will. In time that is. But today is not the day to buy a EV. Stick to the ICE and enjoy the ride. Can't be too hot nor too cold to bring the ICE to a standstill. Just saying.

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