Friday, August 30, 2019

"The wheels on the bus go round and round..."

"I continue to grieve for the forgotten youth in this state. Victims of idiots who run (ruin) our government schools. They deserve better. The taxpayers, who are funding our schools, deserve better."

Those of us with youngins running around, be they kids or grandies, know this song. We hear it so much, it has become embedded in our heads. What does that have to do with anything Bird??? After reading the all too familiar story in the paper this morning about 1) test scores declining and 2) achievement gap not budging, this song popped up. Why? Failure merchants like Taxing Timmy, will say the answer is more funding. So the minions continue to vote for people who will increase our already hefty education budget. Then six months later, there will be another article like the one today in the paper. "The wheels on the bus go round, round, round..."

I suppose it is time to bring up that age old saying - "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." The way we do education in this state is insanity. What? We are the education state! Look at our results! True - for some. But for others, our government schools are failure traps. Kids don't learn, they fail, they quit, or graduate without knowing anything. Wait - the graduation rates are up! Yippee! Hats off to the dumbing down of America!

Yesterday, there was another article about the enrollment in Minneapolis declining again. Why? People who can, are getting the heck out of Dodge. Large percentage of those leaving, are kids of color. Headed to the 'burbs. Trying to get a better chance of learning SOMETHING while in school. Why leave Minneapolis rather than sticking around to help fix it? Because, as most know, the city is "unfixable".

The hand wringers who waste their days at the Department of Education will come up with all kinds of gobble gook on what the issue is. Usually, the cause according to the wizards of smart, ends up being institutionalized racism. (yawn) The corrupt organization known as Education Minnesota is already planning for the 2020 election. Yard signs galore, DEMANDING more money. "It is for the children." To that, I cry out with the loudest possible voice - BULL CRAP! If we really cared about the children, we would fix the system. Of course, the fix, the future, does not involve the Department of Education, nor Education Minnesota. Shame...

I continue to grieve for the forgotten youth in this state. Victims of idiots who run (ruin) our government schools. They deserve better. The taxpayers, who are funding our schools, deserve better. Every kid who fails is one less member of society who can be successful. But who cares? So long as the "wheels on the bus go round and round..."


  1. Two things: One, an analysis of all 400+ school districts in MN shows clearly that the MORE money spent per pupil, the LOWER test scores become. More money is nonsense. It isn't how much is spent, but HOW.

    Second, the DFL is now pushing a "comprehensive sex education" program mandate for all schools, which will require first graders to choose their gender, and allow Planned Parenthood to operate in the schools, dispensing condoms and referring abortions WITHOUT parental notification. One of the best ways to waste money, if that is the criterion.

  2. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result."

    That would be a different result. The same result is presumably what the fudge-ucation flunkies keep giving us.

  3. Hi. I am wondering where you got your picture of the wheels on the bus? Thanks.
