Thursday, October 3, 2019

As the titans clash...

"Bottom line - as the titans continue to clash in Washington, this country continues to produce. We continue to live our lives. We continue to be protected by the finest military in the world."

Hello? Can anyone hear me? I am just one voice crying out from flyover country. Middle America. What is my problem? Why am I crying out? I am one of maybe 95% of the country who does not give two poops and a holler about what is going on in Washington. All we know is this - we have a duly elected President, who we sent to Washington with a laundry list of issues to get fixed. And he has done a wonderful job - considering he has a millstone or two (Congress) around his neck. But now things are stuck in the mud.

Oh, how the titans are clashing in Washington right now! The fight remains lopsided, as the socialists in Congress are joined by the Deep State, and of course, the media. The President remains strong, and is gallantly fighting off frightening odds. However, there is one problem with this titanic struggle which is going on in Washington right now. Nothing is getting done for us. The forgotten folks in flyover land. The ones who voted for Donald Trump to fix what was broken. 

Here is one thing most of us have either known for a while, or have just had learned as the scales have fallen from our eyes. This country is NOT broken. The majority of us who are not city rats, work hard and live our lives. We still believe in families, God, the flag, the country, and liberty. What is broken is mostly Washington, as well as our large Blue cities. Our large Blue cities which have been hollowed out into homeless camps, crime, and hopelessness. And it is not just one Blue city - it is most of them.

Some have suggested this country needs a split before we kill each other over our political differences. We could try this - all the counties who support the President go one way, and the other counties go the other way. If anyone has seen voting map of this country recently, know that about 95% of the counties would remain in Trump country. The other 5%, could go with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.

This is the time, like no other, for the patriots in flyover country to stand tall and be counted. We may be looked upon as hayseeds by the elites in the Blue cities, but we know the truth. We are America. We are what America stands for. Rule of law. Freedom to worship our God. Education of our young which is true education - not indoctrination. Strong families. Love of country. Many in the urban mess of the Blue cites really don't know what they stand for anymore. All they know is they stand against everything the rest of us hold dear. 

Bottom line - as the titans continue to clash in Washington, this country continues to produce. We continue to live our lives. We continue to be protected by the finest military in the world. Soon the IG report, as well as other truths, will see the light of day. When that happens, the titans will clash harder. Why? Power and truth.

The Democrats know the truths which will be forthcoming will destroy their power. And they will fight to the bitter end to hold on to their power. Then when their power is gone, maybe, just maybe, the healing can start.


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