Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Do we need to go back in?

"I know many are sick of this mess. I am sick of this mess. But the mess will come for us. We did not think they could hit us in 2001. But they did. And they very well could again."   

Yes, it was a long time. Twenty years for most Americans, is a very long time. But the Islamists have told us many times that "we may have the clocks, but they have the time". To them, twenty years was just a blip. And the money? It cost us trillions of dollars over 20 years. Then the human toll. Lots of dead and wounded heroes. Was it worth it? To show a people who had never tasted freedom and liberty, what is was like to live that way. To allow women to have the same value as a man. To reduce the temptation for an old man to take 12 year old girl as a child bride.  

If it was worth it, is up for debate. How we exited last month is not. It was a mess, and still is. The enemy we fought for twenty years, now has control over the country of Afghanistan. They are working hard and fast, to undo all the good things we tried to teach the citizens of Afghanistan. It gets worse. Sirajuddin Hawwani, from the old Al Qaeda group, is now part of the Taliban. He is part of the leadership group. He is a stone cold killer. A hard core terrorist. We want him so bad, there is still a $5,000,000 bounty on his head. 

Plus, the empty promises by the Taliban. Like, anyone who wants to leave, be allowed to leave. That was all BS. We have maybe thousands of Americans and friendlies, who can't get out of Afghanistan. Between our State Department, and the Taliban those who were left behind are truly lost.

Finally, the frosting on the cake came from General Millie. His assessment, is we have somewhere between 12 and 36 months before Al Qaeda reconstitutes enough to be a threat to the west, once again.

Currently, who is there to help the Taliban? China. Russia. Pakistan. Iran. Birds of a feather. Who is there to help the citizens of Afghanistan? The UN? Should be the UN, but we all know what has happened to that feckless group of statists. Climate change and equity. No more peace keeping. The US? The former policeman of the world? Not under Joe Biden. The message we have for the innocent civilians of Afghanistan is simply this - help is not coming. 

If we really believe that the Taliban and Al Qaeda pose a clear and present danger to the United States, do we need to go back in country and take care of business? Or should we wait until the next "punch" hits us. Do we have the stomach to extend this 20 year war into something more? Do we have the military muscle and logistics to retake Bagram Air Base? And hold it? Tough questions for sure.

I know many are sick of this mess. I am sick of this mess. But the mess will come for us. We did not think they could hit us in 2001. But they did. And they very well could again. Especially with the wide open southern border Biden has given us. Anyone who does not think we could be in deep do-do, better wake up and smell the coffee.  

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