Thursday, September 23, 2021

The power of the few...

"Is there a lesson to be learned from all of this? The power of the few. Four misfits, being able to influence the main body of the Democrats, to remove funding from one of our best friends in the world. Who are the puppet masters controlling our government right now? Here are four of them. And there are many more, who are hiding behind the curtain."

News Flash: The Squad, is a group of nut-balls who hate America and Israel. These four misfits, have Joe Biden wrapped around their crooked fingers. If you think Biden's unexpected radical departure from being and "old style Democrat" is happenstance, you better wake up and smell the crap which is brewing. Not only does the Squad have Biden wrapped around their fingers, but also Pelosi and Schumer. It is a mess.

For years, we have helped Israel with their defense. Lord knows they need it. This coming year, we are giving them a billion dollars to help shore up their Iron Dome defense system. These anti-sematic Squad members, wanted no part of that. Even though in the past, the Democrats in Congress have been sympathetic to the Jewish people in Israel, those days might be long gone. Now the sympathies are with the PLO and Hamas. But...but...the PLO and Hamas are terror groups! The Squad led Democrats don't give a rip. Nada. 

All of a sudden, the billion dollars for Israel has disappeared out of the funding bill. A billion dollars for a system which is based on TOTAL DEFENSE, and nothing to do with anything offensive - is gone. Disappeared right out of the bill. Money our closest ally in the Middle East really needs. All because of these misfits. We should be ashamed, that one of these misfits is a Congresswoman from CD 5 in Minnesota. But we are not. Many of the people who live in CD 5 are also feel the same about Israel. Nut-balls electing nut-balls.

One old school Democrat (Rosa DeLauro), had not yet drunk the Squad kool-aide. She is trying to get this funding put back in the bill. She thinks it is nuts to take this out. What is this? Another skirmish in the Democrat Party? Socialists vs. traditional Democrats. Some of the traditional Democrats also realize an important fact. Most Americans, do not side with the socialists. What does that mean? A landslide victory for the Republicans in 2022. A real house cleaning.

Is there a lesson to be learned from all of this? The power of the few. Four misfits, being able to influence the main body of the Democrats, to remove funding from one of our best friends in the world. Who are the puppet masters controlling our government right now? Here are four of them. And there are many more, who are hiding behind the curtain.  

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