Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Pickled in the Middle

"Is help on the way? If Republicans can take over the House and the Senate in 2022, there will be a glimmer of hope. But this time, if the Republicans get the chance to lead, lead they must! With the right leadership, immovable columns in Washington will once again become movable." 

I am reminded or the movie Hercules, which I saw as a lad. In one scene, Hercules had a chain in each hand, and endeavored to bring down a building by down pulling down the massive stone columns which were holding it up. One chain in each hand. Two immovable objects.

Only in real life today, we have Joe Biden doing the same thing. Trying to move two immovable columns. Instead of body builder Steve Reeves playing the part of Hercules, we have Joe Biden playing the part of Joe Biden. The two immovable columns Hercules brought down to save the day. It was a great ending to the movie. But the two immovable items that Biden is wrestling with? They are not going anywhere.

What are the two immovable items that Biden is wrestling with? That he has no chance of moving? One are the socialists in his party, led by the Squad. That "column" is very upset with Joe Biden, that he is even thinking about compromise with the other column. They would like the $3.5T socialism bill to be even larger. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, the true cost of the bill already is larger. Like $2T larger, than what this $3.5T bill is being peddled at. In any event, the socialists making up this column - their heels are dug in on this issue.

The other "column" are made up of the Republicans and some moderate Democrats. Most of whom, can see through this  flimsy façade of a bill for what it is. Garbage, socialism garbage. However - true infrastructure, is something most Republicans and moderate Democrats can get behind. But some in Ms. Nancy's kingdom, do not want the $1.2T true infrastructure bill signed before the phony $3.5T bill is signed into law. Good luck on that one!

So, here is Biden. Pickled in the middle. Unable to move either column. What then, is being signed into law? Nothing this week - including raising the debt ceiling (due by Friday). This is the result of an almost 50-50 divided Congress, elected by an almost 50-50 electorate. A marriage which has gone from strained, to hostile. Whatever becomes law, rest assured that half the country will hate it.

Hey Joe! Get your head out of your hands and man up! You wanted this job! Or, your handlers wanted you to have this job. In any event, the country is in a mess right now, and you are not a Hercules. Heck, you are not even a Barney Fife. Your (and your handlers) visceral hatred of Donald Trump has put you (and the country), in a pickle right now.

Is help on the way? If Republicans can take over the House and the Senate in 2022, there will be a glimmer of hope. But this time, if the Republicans get the chance to lead, lead they must! With the right leadership, immovable columns in Washington will once again become movable. Until that happens however, we remain stuck.    

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