Sunday, September 5, 2021

Nation building, or terror building?

"Not only did we turn the country over to the Taliban (who are only outside invaders), we also left all the infrastructure we infested in. The bases, especially Bagram. And then the crown jewel. All those weapons. Tons and tons of ammo."

We have been criticized many times (mostly by our own citizens) for nation building. Not our job. Not our wheelhouse. Our brave men and women in the Armed Forces are not social workers, they have been trained to - well, brake things and kill people. Why? To protect liberty and freedom. It sounds harsh, but that is what the Armed Forces have been about since day one. You don't protect the homeland with diplomacy and words - that is for the State Department. The Armed Forces protects the homeland with weapons. Lots of weapons.

We tried to nation build Afghanistan. Tried to make a 12th century tribal country into a freedom loving democracy. We succeeded to a degree. But the care and feeding of this baby democracy needed more care and feeding. And we needed to make sure we had the right size club to beat back the Taliban should they every threaten this country again. Under Joe Biden, that all went out the window. Not only do we not have a baby democracy anymore to nurture, we lost the entire country to the bad guys. It is now a terror state (again).

How did this happen? How did we become so naïve? Quite simply, we got tired of it. Worn out. Our short term memory failed us. Like, what Afghanistan was like when we first went over there 20 years ago. How it was a festering cesspool of terrorists. And now? Now that Biden has all but divorced Afghanistan? It could end up being ever more of a threat than 20 years ago. Really? How?

Not only did we turn the country over to the Taliban (who are only outside invaders), we also left all the infrastructure we infested in. The bases, especially Bagram. And then the crown jewel. All those weapons. Tons and tons of ammo. We have taken this 12th century group of killers and given them the keys to the kingdom. Why? Because Biden wanted to take a victory lap on September 11, 2021. Well, guess what Joe? There is no victory to celebrate. Thanks to you, the country of Afghanistan is lost. 

This coming Saturday is the anniversary of 9/11. While most of us will be remembering how brutal these Muslims were to our country twenty years ago, Slo Joe will be patting himself on the back. Why? Because he is Biden. The worst American this country has ever produced. Hands down. 


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