Friday, September 10, 2021

The war on us

"The war on terror, the war on Covid, the war on anything bad - has been replaced with Biden's war on us. Wait - what have we done wrong? Nothing. Except being a serf in Biden's kingdom." 

Someone had a very good observation yesterday. Why can't this feckless, senile, old man, talk to our enemies with the same animus, he uses to talk to or about the citizens of this country. Especially the non-union people. Or the successful people. Or the former President of the United States. There is something seriously wrong with this guy. And I am not just talking about his shrinking ability to think and talk clearly. What is wrong with Joe Biden, might even be treasonous.

For reasons which escape many of us, Joseph Biden has declared war on the citizens of the country. The country he was elected to protect. Don't think so? How is he making us safer? One example please. What he has done in how he had us leave Afghanistan, is tantamount to high crimes and misdemeanors. What he has been doing on the southern border, is worse. Only a madman, or a state criminal, could have done such a thing. 

After Biden's unconstitutional proclamation on Covid vaccinations yesterday, one Republican governor summed it up this way - "That was the way I would expect the President of China to talk - not the President of the United States." BINGO! Biden is worse than a Manchurian Candidate. At least the Manchurian Candidate tried to hide his deception. Biden just flaunts his. Hoping against hope, the minions who voted for him will just "come along, get along". In other words, put them into a trance while he lays waste to our great Republic.

It is rare I call another person "evil". Most folks have good in them which offsets most other negative traits. Biden, I put right up there with Saddam Hussain, Kim Jong Un, Stalin and Pol Pot. If he does have good within himself, he hides it well. Even if he is not totally evil, what he is doing to our country is.

One doctor was on the news the other day (before Joe's announcement), and was asked about the power of antibodies for those who have had Covid, and recovered. His response - the power of the antibodies are just as good, maybe better, than the current vaccines. I noticed that Joe said nothing about employees who had the antibodies. He wants them to get the shots anyhow. Does that make any sense to anyone? Is not the objective to keep people healthy, no matter how they do it? I have said this many times before, this is a free country. How people decide to keep themselves safe is up to them. Not my business. I expect our government to have the same courtesy towards its citizens. 

The war on terror, the war on Covid, the war on anything bad - has been replaced with Biden's war on us. Wait - what have we done wrong? Nothing. Except being a serf in Biden's kingdom. Until we get a real President again, that is all we are. Serfs - in the mind of Biden.

If you are not yet engaged for 2022, it is time to do so. Patriots and citizens are not serfs. We need leadership who share that view.  


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