Monday, September 13, 2021

We need a national reclama...

"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law (God's law), happy is he."  

Proverbs 29:18

Okay. Reclama is a military term. It means a request to change an action or a decision. Like, a reclama would be merited, if someone thought our ship of state was wildly off course. Or doing the wrong thing(s). The wrong things which are not Godly. Hello? Sound familiar? EVERYTHING in our country is off kilter right now. Nothing is going as it should be. Plus - we have no national vision. And as the Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, 

"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law (God's law), happy is he."  

Who among us, can help? Who among us, can convince those who are following this false leader, that the direction we are headed right now, will be catastrophic. Not might be catastrophic, WILL be catastrophic.

In less than a year, we have contaminated our country with drugs (some very fatal), gangs, crime, sex trafficking, maybe terrorists, and over a million of illegal immigrants. All coming over the southern border. Fixing that contamination might be unfixable. Or if it can be fixed, with new leadership, it would take a Herculean effort.

Our government has created a real mess in Afghanistan. Excuse my language, but a hell of a mess. A world changing mess. We have not only allowed one of the most remote locations on Earth to become a terrorist state, we (for reasons which escape most of us), gave the terrorists billions of dollars worth of arms and equipment. We gave the terrorists a world class military air base. Our billion plus dollar embassy. Why did we do all of this? Wrong direction. Wrong actions. A reclama is sorely needed. 

The price of food is starting to skyrocket. Energy is going up, due to the destruction of our former energy program(s). We keep paying people for not working. Paying them so much, that many establishments cannot find enough employees. Some are closing early, due to staffing. Container ships are stacked up like cordwood off the coast of California, due to "Covid issues" and staffing shortages. Our economy, which was working so well last year, is about to really come off the rails. Again - a reclama is sorely needed.

Folks, I don't have any answers to what we can do. We can go back to that verse from Proverbs, and take its sage advice -  "...but he that keepeth the law (God's law), happy is he." Our nation has turned its back on God, many times and in many places. Even some of the churches have strayed. We need our vision back. We need a major reclama. Now more than ever, we need God. We so much need God. And - we need to return to Godly living. 


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