Sunday, September 19, 2021

(Un)true Friends

"Trust is a very hard thing to regain, once it is lost. With France, we will have a very hard time ever convincing them to 'watch our sixes' again, in a situation like Afghanistan."

Some bells are hard to un-ring. Right Joe? As the cigarette commercial once would say, "you have come a long way baby." Long way that is, from the G7 conference early in Biden's accidental Presidency. Oh, Joe. You were treated so well by the Euro socialists. America was now a member of the club. We were going to be another socialist member. That recalcitrant Donald Trump. He had been dispatched with, and now Slo Joe was here - and everyone knew that Biden could be rolled - easily.

Of all the leaders, I thought Macron was the most demonstrative. In some of the pictures, I thought Macron was going to kiss Biden on the lips. Gentlemen, please! In any event, everyone, especially Biden and Macron, were pals forever. Or, were they?

NATO is now stretched to its breaking point, in how the United States mucked up the Afghanistan exit. The NATO motto of "one for all, and all for one", was quickly replaced with "every man for himself." What? Wait - that is no way to treat our friends. We know better than that! Well, we knew better. Until this clown car took over our government. 

So, just as France managed to get its people out of Afghanistan (with little help from us), the other shoe fell. And this one was a big shoe. In fact, this boner might live on for decades. It showed how little the United States can now be trusted. In all the deals I have negotiated, I have never seen such an underhanded thing happen. It was tantamount to a married couple, married for over 50 years, to have one of the spouses have infidelity issues. In this case, it was the United States who had the infidelity issue. And Australia willingly acted as the "other woman".

Trust is a very hard thing to regain, once it is lost. With France, we will have a very hard time ever convincing them to "watch our sixes" again, in a situation like Afghanistan. We were the ones who were attacked - not France. The thanks we gave them for helping us, was dumping them right at the end. Pulled our air power to protect their exit. And then to seal this deceit with a kiss, we submarined their submarine deal with Australia. I mean, with friends like Biden, who needs enemies. 

Well played Joe. We can once again be called "Ugly Americans". Because you have never worked for a living, you missed out on a valuable lesson. One "aw, crap" wipes out a whole lot of "atta-boys". Joe, you had two "aw, craps", back to back. I don't think there are enough "atta-boys" in the world to fix this mess. 

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