Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Say it ain't so, Joe!

"Say it ain't so, Joe! This is the job you have dreamed about. And you can't even tie your shoes the right way now. You are a disgrace to the nation. Your family is a disgrace for allowing you to be put into this position."

When I was a kid, I would cut the grass for my folks. We had a huge yard, and I often took great care in the kind of job I did. One day, after a week of rain, the grass was very thick and long. I decided I would not only cut it as well as pick it up, I would also trim around the sidewalk. I worked very hard and had it just about done. So I stopped and went in to tell my dad I was done. When he came out to examine my work, he was shocked. "You left 10% uncut. Your job is not yet finished". I told him it was good enough, and what I did cut, I did in record time. Besides, I got 90% of the job done. That was my story, and I was sticking to it!

Sound familiar? My story was fiction, but what the President did was not. Yesterday, we saw a bitter old man, yelling at his citizens, about the job he left unfinished. Never mind the fact, there are at a minimum, 100 Americans left stranded in Afghanistan. At a maximum, there could be over a thousand. The State Department simply does not know (even though it is their job to know). The Defense Department does not know. Everyone is guessing right now. 

Because of this major cluster ****, which Slo Joe is blaming on Trump, the Afghan President, and the Afghan Army, we left American citizens in Afghanistan. Plus, we also left Afghan citizens (and their families) who befriended us, almost 100 billion dollars worth of assets, and our service dogs.

The frosting on the cake was this - we also left an Afghan citizen named "Mohamed" (not his real name), his wife, and four kids. What is so special about him? In 2008, he helped save Senators Biden, Kerry, and Hagel, when their copter crashed in the mountains of Afghanistan. Now "Mohamed" is stuck, abandoned, by the man he helped save in 2008. He is begging Joe Biden to help him and his family. But help is not on the way. That is Joe for you.

Slo Joe is so inept, he could not even handle meeting the grieving families at Dover the right way. First off, nothing should have been more important than meeting the thirteen coffins of our fallen heroes, and then sharing our national grief with the families. But he screwed that up also. First off, as the coffins were coming off the plane, Biden kept looking at his watch. WTF? Then, when Biden was talking to the families, he kept bringing up his son Beau. Why? No idea. Biden did lose Beau, but not to combat. He lost him to cancer. That had nothing to do with why these families were grieving. They lost their loved ones because the Commander-in-Chief mucked up our exit.

Say it ain't so, Joe! This is the job you have dreamed about. And you can't even tie your shoes the right way now. You are a disgrace to the nation. Your family is a disgrace for allowing you to be put into this position. If you had a shred of patriotism running in your veins, both you and Harris would resign. I know, I know. Then we would have President Pelosi. One thing at a time. 


1 comment:

  1. FWIW many of those left behind are dual (US/Afghan) citizens.
