Monday, July 25, 2022

Bad to the bone

"Do we need more cops? Funny question, since many big blue cities either wanted their police force unfunded, or 're-imagined'. Right now, I don't think there are enough cops in the entire country to maintain order in many of these corrupt cities." 

Could someone please explain to me, in words which are short and simple so I can understand them, what is the heck has happened to the streets in America? All of a sudden, NYC has decided to give Chicago a run for the most crime riddled city in America. But what is happening in New York right now, has all the hallmarks of a town without pity. Total carnage and carnal behavior. New York has taken the term "mean streets" to an entire different level.

On the news today, was a story about a particularly gruesome crime. A pedestrian was crossing the street, when he (or she) was struck by a car. The thugs riding in the car immediately disembarked. To help the victim? No. To rob that person. The person might have been dead, dying, or just severely injured. To the thugs, it did not matter. This was just a "mark" waiting to be robbed.

Want to ride the subway in New York? No thanks for me. As bad as the LRT system has become in the Twin Cities, the subway system in New York is many times worse. Very few cops, and lots of crime. As of late, it is common to hear of someone being pushed onto the tracks, right in front of an approaching subway train. Horrible, just horrible. The thugs in this town are bad - bad to the bone.

A guest on the news was asked about the crime in New York. Without hesitation, he said God is the issue. God has been taken out of the schools, activities, the home - everything. Here is what I think the guest was trying to say. Even though this is a broken world, God is still involved. If however, we want to shun God, He will show us what a truly carnal world looks like. We need to ask God to back into every part of our lives. Our carnal nature is no match for God, if we let Him in. If we don't, what is happening in New York, Chicago, and other cities - will continue. Maybe get worse.

Back in the 1950's and 1960's, we were very proud of our cities. We took Russian officials on tours of Detroit, as it was "the city which worked". Today, people who know better, stay as far away from large cities as possible. Detroit has gone from "the city which worked", to looking like a bombed out city in Ukraine. Minneapolis still has scars from the George Floyd lawless mayhem.

Do we need more cops? Funny question, since many big blue cities either wanted their police force unfunded, or "re-imagined". Right now, I don't think there are enough cops in the entire country to maintain order in many of these corrupt cities. 

It is best just to stand back, as big blue cities devolve into a sink hole of crime and grief. It does not have to be this way. But this is our choice. A world in which man thinks he is in charge, instead of God. The results are right in front of us, for all to see. And it ain't pretty.  

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