Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Why this one matters...

"Sending Biden anywhere in the world is risky these days. His filter, as flawed as it was, is now all but gone. He is a gaff machine. He can make things real bad, real fast." 

Why does it matter? Is it because Biden is going to stop first in Israel? Joe Biden really needs that shot in the arm. Why? He is slightly more popular in Israel, than he is in America. He needs that upper. And he will really need that before going to Saudi Arabia. That visit is going to be a tough one. Why? Now it gets interesting.

Joe Biden cannot go over to Saudi Arabia acting like a bull in a china shop. He needs to tread lightly. First off, let's forget the begging for oil bit. Will he do it? Sure, but it will be inconsequential compared to the real reason he is going over there. And the real reason is huge.

Love him or hate him, for the real reason this trip is taking place - Donald Trump could handle it much better. How do I know? Trump is a deal maker. And the Saudis love him. Biden? Meh...

Ready for this? It has not been reported much in the press. We need an "iron gate" in the Middle East to contain the soon to be nuked up, Iranians. We are going to attempt to get the friendly states in the Middle East to develop a coalition - like an Arabian NATO. Why? NATO has proven to be a "burr in the saddle" to Russia. We need something like NATO in the Middle East to be a "burr in the saddle" to Iran.

I would hope if an agreement can be struck, it would have an Article 5 proviso like NATO has. "An attack on one, is an attack on all". ICYMI, Iran's leadership is corrupt and evil. They enslave their population, and act as a rogue state in the region. Once they have nukes, they will act like a rogue state in the entire world. We can't stop the nuclear train which was set in motion under Obama, but we can try to contain it. How? With a friendly coalition in the Middle East. That is why this trip really matters.

Sending Biden anywhere in the world is risky these days. His filter, as flawed as it was, is now all but gone. He is a gaff machine. He can make things real bad, real fast. The interesting thing, is everyone thought it would be Donald Trump who could mess things up overseas. Sorry - never happened. But Biden? Jill and the Easter Bunny might need to be guiding Joe away from any verbal pitfalls.

This deal matters. It is huge. How will it end? Right now this is a blank slate. This is Biden's chance to have something on the positive side of the ledger. This one is worth paying attention to. 


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