Sunday, July 24, 2022

Days of Ezekiel?

"Obama opened the door for Iran to become a nuclear superpower. Gave then a wad of cash to allow them to be the number one terror state in the world. If we want to see where bad stuff can happen, all one needs to do is look at the former kingdom of Persia." 

For those who think the Holy Bible is just a book of stories and fables, can pass this post by. For those deep in the faith, this post will come as no surprise. For those who are "catatonic Christians" (my wife and I were for years), you might find this post of interest. Or downright scary. 

Eschatology. The study of the end of our age. The end of this material world as we know it. Most people who study this, use the Holy Bible as their primary source. Why? It is full of predictions. How many? About 2,500. Of those, about 2,000 have been fulfilled. But one of the most important and timely predictions was the reinstatement of Israel in 1948. Created in one day. To many Eschatologists, that was the point which started our final countdown.

Now, I don't study Eschatology. I am far from an expert. I do know this however, from listening to Bible scholars who are learned on this subject - the end times could be very close - and they have NOTHING to do with global warming. They do however, have everything to do with Russia and Iran. Or, in the final battle, when they will attack Israel. 

I am very concerned about any cozy relationship which is forming between Russia and Iran. This war in Ukraine might just be the overture for a new "axis of evil". But what about Turkey, a member of NATO? Erdogan loves playing both sides of the street. He is not to be trusted. But would he forsake NATO to join this new band of blood brothers? I sure hope not. 

Obama opened the door for Iran to become a nuclear superpower. Gave then a wad of cash to allow them to be the number one terror state in the world. If we want to see where bad stuff can happen, all one needs to do is look at the former kingdom of Persia. 

Armageddon, Gog and Magog - all center around Israel. Ukraine needs to be watched, but so does Iran. Some think that Putin might be the Anti-Christ. Others think he (or she) has yet to show. 

If you have not been a page turner in the Holy Bible for years, now might be a good time to re-establish that habit. This book of knowledge and hope, was given to us for a reason. It is timeless, and it is vital - especially today. 

One final thing. If your church focuses its messaging and teaching from the Bible, you are in the right place and the right time. However, if your church tries to bend the Bible around its messaging, cherry picking from the Bible what they want, and ignoring parts which are uncomfortable - look for a different church - and quickly.  

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