Wednesday, July 20, 2022

🔥This climate thing - again🔥

"The weather guessers are saying it will be hot for the rest of July. Now there is a news item."

Not that I am a soothsayer, but last spring I knew this would happen. I knew it would get hot in July, maybe set records, and some folks might perish. Happens every year. In the summer, it gets hot. It really gets hot down in Texas and Arizona. Back many years ago, I had a teammate in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I needed to visit in the summer time. It was hot, hot. Same when I had a customer in Tucson. Went down in the summer time. Thought I was going to roast. My point? It is always hot in the south and southwest in the summer time.

Rumor has it, Slo Joe is madder than a wet hen at Joe Manchin. Manchin will not abide with Biden's desire to have climate legislation. Thus, Biden might be declaring a "Climate Emergency". What does that really mean? Stay tuned - it could be bad for our pocket books.

The other day, Pete Butt, the boy wonder, was asked how having all these EVs would affect our grid. Using all that brainpower he received while being a Rhodes Scholar, he was ready to field any question. A Congressman asked about the load a charging EV would put on the grid. He said the charging of an EV takes 25 times as much power as a refrigerator, or 4 times as much as an air conditioner. In other words, these "green" cars are not so "green" on our electrical grid.

Mayor Pete leaned back, and with that smug look on his face, he said, "Of course our grid is not ready for that kind of pull. We need a new grid for tomorrow's cars." I could not believe he said that! Many of us have been bellyaching about our grid, ever since the 1980's. And nothing has been done! Right now, it is estimated that to fix and replace our grid, so it is robust, smart and redundant, would cost over $1T, take 10 years to complete. And, we would need a ton of national will, which we are very short of right now.

By the way, our "Climate Czar", John Kerry is a climate hypocrite. But most of us already knew that. On the news this morning, it was reported that Kerry has flown so much on his private jet since taking this climate job under Biden, he has put over 300 metric tons of carbon in the air. He has been using one of the jets his rich wife owns in her private jet business - "The Flying Squirrel". No - I am not making this up.

The weather guessers are saying it will be hot for the rest of July. Now there is a news item. Ever since my wife and I have been retired, on hot days we get our outside stuff done in the morning. In the afternoon, we lay low in the cool confines of the house. In August, when things start to cool a bit, normal summer activities will resume. 

One more thing. If Biden does use executive powers to declare a "Climate Emergency", the very large red wave coming in November, will just get larger. 


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